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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Hypo

  1. I get them done once a year through insurance, as part of "controling"celiac. And then I do it out of pocket after a longer trip where I have eaten out on more than one occassion. So that would be an extra 1 or 2 times a year. It costs around 55 dollars for total iga and ttg iga where I live in Europe. I think in the future I will just stick to once a year...
  2. I am aware of that. And I am avoiding all gluten. But it is possible that each person is reacting differently not only on the outside but inside too, in terms of how much is needed for an immune reaction. I am only talking here about effects of cross contamination (so tiny amounts), not eating gluten on purpose. I.e., maybe for some celiacs it is possible...
  3. I get LP023's point. Let me emphasize right away that I am a hypochondriac and am very careful about my health. So, I was always very healthy, never had any problems, gastro, or flu or anything. I was anemic though. Fast forward to my 40s and finally finding the cause of it. TTG off the charts and Marsh 3. I was shocked and went on strict gluten...
  4. I am sorry but I can't understand this. We have a person WITH a disease, who already has a hard time because of it, who has to accomodate people WITHOUT the disease. Instead of the other way around. On top of it all, the person with the disease is the one doing all the work, food wise (if I understood correctly), making multiple meals, etc.. I suspect...
  5. Is it possible that you were glutened recently so they went up? Maybe if you recheck soon, they will be down again?
  6. "Bananas that you peel yourself, probably fine"? What could be wrong with them? Also, even at home I don't eat yoghurt that is labeled gluten free. At hotels where I stayed, there were whole apples, oranges, grapes, etc. You can wash them additionally if you are worried there was bread on them... But to each his own. I travel just fine eating such food.
  7. I meant food like unpealed hard boiled eggs, fruit, yoghurt, some cheeses. Those things are surely fine...
  8. Thank you all. Trents, that's encouraging to hear! Christiana, there might be something about rapid transit, as in me being a very anxious person, which to my knowledge can speed things up with food processing. Knitty Kitty, good to know, I never tested for this vitamin, only B12.
  9. Hi, I have been following this forum for a while now but I never posted. Now I have a question. I was diagnosed with celiac 2 years ago. After a year following the diagnosis my antibodies normalized. At the moment I don't have any symptoms (I was a silent celiac to begin with) and all my bloodwork is fine. However, the color of my stool is still...
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