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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Fairy92

  1. Nothing yet I have an appt with a gastro doctor on 2nd February. I will definitely update after that 😊
  2. This is the unfortunate thing about the public health system. I can't contact him I have emailed and said I am frustrated they are leaving me so long. I will make an appointment with my usual doctor as she is very good and can hopefully offer some insight. Meaning I emailed the hospital booking office.
  3. I'm not sure what that means? Has anyone seen a situation like mine? Its not nice that the specialist has kind of left me to it with more waiting and unknown
  4. To clarify My blood results are above and were positive for coeliac markers This is the histology under microscope report. Some changes but nothing major. I'm wondering if we found my coeliac disease early? I believe it only started in the last year. The gastroenterologist won't see me until 23rd February and is apparently "not concerned...
  5. Oh just that my bloods were positive but the histology from the biopsy were not obviously coeliac.
  6. My apologies I see it there Yes it is very confusing. I will continue with gluten free as it is helping me. Thank you for your reply 😊
  7. Yes I was eating gluten for years prior. I didn't stop until after the endoscopy.
  8. Hi Celiac community I finally have some results but nothing overly helpful yet. I am waiting for an appointment with my gastrointestinal doctor. This is what a GP said. "Your results were mostly normal. There was a small area of mild non-specific inflammation but it did not look like coeliac disease. Because they were not 100% normal, however...
  9. The article was really helpful thank you. I have a lot of learning and transitioning to do. I will get to it tomorrow when my sedative has worn off haha
  10. Just a little update I finished my gastroscopy. I definitely don't remember it but I did keep asking for more sedation when I didn't need it! Hahah. They didn't see anything immediately obvious for celiac but they have taken biopsies to be tested. Is it normal to not have obvious signs on examination but then the biopsy comes...
  11. Hello fellow celiac family I have my gastroscopy on Tuesday 20th December. I'm nervous about the procedure and what it will show. I still feel like this is all some big mistake haha. Maybe it's wishful thinking. I will come back with my results when I get them 😊
  12. Absolutely agree. I am so grateful to have found this community and to the people who take the time to give such detailed and helpful answers. 💚
  13. My anaemia tests were perfect I had my second baby 18 months ago and during that pregnancy I had severe hyperemesis gravidarum. I didn't eat for a good portion of the pregnancy and was chronically dehydrated and in hospital. I wonder if that has contributed to coeliac presenting now? Those vitamin deficiencies definitely make sense...
  14. My symptoms are swinging between diarrhoea and constipation, tummy pain, bloating and gas, excessive bruising all over my legs, fatigue, poor concentration and memory, elevated liver enzymes, joint pain and stiffness (is that one?), mouth ulcers that take a long time to go away, depression, very low energy and recently unexplained nausea I put everything...
  15. Thank you. Kitty kitty for your quick response. You never know in online forums what will happen. OK that is good to know. I think I was hoping they were wrong but it seems the chances of that are slim and would mean something much more serious is going on. I'm not sure if I'm over reacting but I feel like my life has just taken a major turn....
  16. Hello, Celiac Community I never expected to be here right now. This afternoon my doctor called and told me a blood test she requested for me as part of a check up came back positive and suggestive of celiac disease When I look at the symptoms, it makes sense. My question is, what are the chances of it being a false positive? I...
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