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  1. Yeah I believe so too. Although im not touching them any more, but I do use the same sofa and other areas of the house a lot with or without them. Anyways, im guessing the only chance I have to find out if this actually works is by trying to move out for a while and see if the symptoms relieve. I do have a chance to live closeby in an appartment for a few...
  2. You might be right. I'll look into it. I do not have much diarrhea tho. Got more stomach cramps and heart burn. Also brain fog and fatigue... It usually resolves after 24-48hours, then I can be good for a while, maybe a few days. And suddenly I get hit again. Am I going crazy, or can it be the cats? They are actually all over this place eating gluten dried...
  3. Hello guys! I started my glutenfree diet 6months ago. Its been a rollercoaster. Now it seems I come to a place where im becoming more and more sensitive to cross-contamination. Thats probably normal I guess? Lately I've had symptoms like i am being glutened almost weekly, and sometimes more times per week. I cant understand how, but are believing its...
  4. Thanks for the reply When you mean skin contact, you are not talking about getting gluten on your skin right? I am frequently washing my hands. To the point where they are really soar now
  5. Hey guys! Im newly diagnosed at 1. September 2022 and have tried to follow the GFD since. For as far as I know I have been only glutened once, and it was a mistake by me. Taking up the wrong bread from a freezer in the dark, and then eating it as lunch the same day. I was very ill for a few days. And scared... Its been a roller coaster of...
  6. Alright im uncertain what to do. I actually sent NOW Foods an email now. Hoping for a clarification on this sake Thanks for your time @Scott Adams
  7. Yes I can see that my self too, but if you look at the text under that it says: Does that mean it would be unsafe to consume daily for anyone with celiac disease?
  8. Does anyone know if this product would be safe to take for someone with celiac disease? Here is the link: https://no.iherb.com/pr/now-foods-joint-support-90-capsules/98583 Much regards, Magnus
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