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  1. Oh I didnt know it but it makes sense. I will talk about this with my doctor after the biopsy, thanks.
  2. Hello, I dont think it is the thing. I visit psychiatrist several times but I didnt see any improvement. I do sport, most of the time eat healthy, go to sleep every day in the same time and sleep at least 8 hours. So I dont think there could be problem. Although I feel better in the summer I still have these symptoms for whole year. It just make my little...
  3. Okay thanks. Yeah I know what do you mean. I know that is run to long distance. I just wanted to know It is could be possible. I tried psychiatrist but I didn't see any improvement. I dont know why I feel like that. But I think there is nothing that could cause it from my live.
  4. Good point. I was taking D3 5000 IU daily But no magnesium. I drink a lot of soda that has magnesium in it so I think it might be good. I think the supplements would be still useless if I had a damaged gut. After a while on gluten-free diet I will try D3 with magnesium, thanks for advice.
  5. Okay thank you for your recommendations. I will check these things. I am glad that you are feeling better. Do you think that is because you started doing different things? Or Do you thing the Gluten free diet was the main reason?
  6. @knitty kitty I also think If celiac can influence serotonin levels. It can cause similar symptoms. Do you think It is possible?
  7. Hello, thank you for your advice.:) I think the best thing I can do is that I will not take any supplements and I will have gluten in diet before biopsy. After the biopsy If I have positive result I will start gluten free diet and I will see If its help. When It is not going to help I will try the blood tests without supplements. Do you think it is the...
  8. Okey, I will wait. I had several tests for vitamine, etc.. I said to doctor that I have fatigue, problem with concentration and moodiness. So they checked some Fe,Hemoglobin and some regular stuff like Iron and D3. But I have never seen these regular tests results. They only told me everything is okey. Next time I will ask for results. Also I had Thyroid...
  9. Yea I took some D3 but I didnt see any effect so I stopped. I still have some in the box. Should I take them anyway? Can these pills distort deficiency test? :
  10. Hello, thank you for your answer. I though before a few weeks. I wrote it wrong. Maybe I had eleveted something more but I dont have the medical report right now. I was tested with my father and He had positive IgA. Okay, it is kind a weird because I feel better in summer. I dont know if it is about stress or weather. But I had something with TSH...
  11. Hello guys, a few weeks later I had positive EMA and in January I am going to have biopsy. If Its connected my symptoms are mostly mental. I have fatigue, brain fog, sometimes depression and anxiety. Weird thing is that. When I have for example summer vacation and minimum stress I feel better. But when the school starts and I become feel more stressful...
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