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Russ H

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  1. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in Understanding the Role of Transglutaminase 2 in Celiac Disease   
    There has been some success with creating a tTG2 inhibitor.
  2. Upvote
    Russ H got a reaction from Slimkitten in Gluten as a Proinflammatory Inducer of Autoimmunity in Everyone   
    It would be interesting to look at populations that have never been exposed to gluten.
  3. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in Gluten as a Proinflammatory Inducer of Autoimmunity in Everyone   
    It would be interesting to look at populations that have never been exposed to gluten.
  4. Like
    Russ H got a reaction from cristiana in Is Depression Really a Chemical Imbalance?   
    I experienced memory problems, brain fog and anxiety. Gradually faded on a gluten free diet and came back with a vengeance when I resumed eating gluten for testing.
  5. Like
    Russ H
    Russ H reacted to cristiana in Is Depression Really a Chemical Imbalance?   
    I was hit with debilitating anxiety about six months prior to my diagnosis - so alien to my life until that time, it took me a while to realise that it was anxiety.  It took about eighteen months to completely go.  My blood tests showed v...
  6. Like
    Russ H got a reaction from Grlybrainiac in Chugai's DONQ52 Shows Promise in Non-Clinical Research for Celiac Disease Treatment   
    The paper is currently freely available:
    Characterizations of a neutralizing antibody broadly reactive to multiple gluten peptide:HLA-DQ2.5 complexes in the context of celiac disease
  7. Like
    Russ H got a reaction from Jr77b in Rise in Fatal Celiac-Related Cancer Alarms Researchers   
    It would normally be diagnosed by a combination of endoscopy and biopsy findings combined with blood tests for coeliac disease related antibodies.
  8. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in Rise in Fatal Celiac-Related Cancer Alarms Researchers   
    It would normally be diagnosed by a combination of endoscopy and biopsy findings combined with blood tests for coeliac disease related antibodies.
  9. Upvote
    Russ H
    Russ H reacted to Linda Beechie in What's the Impact of Gluten on Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Non-Celiac Individuals?   
    Does anyone know if high TTG levels can be caused by anything other than gluten ?
  10. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in New Developments in Celiac Disease Treatment   
    It can take several years to fully recover. It is also a very trying condition due to the dietary restrictions. I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago and am still recovering. I didn't realise how ill I had been and for how long. As I started...
  11. Like
    Russ H got a reaction from cristiana in Celiac Rates Among First-Degree Child Relatives Run Between 11% and 14%   
    That study showed 7 of 62 children had coeliac disease, which is 11%. However, that is a small sample so there is considerable uncertainty in the figure. If I remember my stats, the standard deviation will be the square root of 7, so...
  12. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in Celiac Disease Masquerades as Extreme Thrombocytosis and Severe Anemia in a 52-Year-Old Female Patient   
    Symptoms vary greatly between people both in spectrum and severity. Some people seem to be able to tolerate very occasional ingestion of large amounts of gluten without symptoms, other people become very ill with even trace amounts. I...
  13. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in Is Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Mix Gluten-Free?   
    Maltodextrin is gluten-free:
  14. Upvote
    Awol cast iron stomach
    Russ H got a reaction from Awol cast iron stomach in Flight from Dubai to LA Turns into a Gluten-Induced Nightmare for TikTok Star   
    I do the same thing. Mercifully, I don't go into anaphylaxis as some people do if exposed to allergens, but on the other hand don't know whether I have been exposed enough to provoke an immune response and all the sequelae that involves...
  15. Upvote
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in Researchers Seek the Holy Grail of Gluten-Free Bread   
    I got myself a bread machine and found a good recipe based upon gluten-free oat flour amongst other ingredients. It uses psyllium husk to replace the gluten and the result is just like wheat bread.
  16. Like
    Russ H
    Russ H reacted to trents in Malignant Cancers are a Hidden Danger for Celiacs   
    @Guest Interesting,
    While you criticize Jefferson Adams' article here for citing outdated research with small sample sizes, you yourself fail to give any links to support your contrary claims. And I disagree with your contention...
  17. Like
    Russ H
    Russ H reacted to Scott Adams in Malignant Cancers are a Hidden Danger for Celiacs   
    This study is less than a year old, and it consists of data that was taken over a seven year period. It's unclear whether the subjects in the study were following a strict gluten-free diet, but the reality is that many celiacs don't follow...
  18. Like
    Russ H
    Russ H reacted to Scott Adams in Nutrient Deficiencies and Celiac Disease: Understanding the Connection   
    I don't think it's practical or affordable to test for all of these various deficiencies, and and simpler approach might be for those with celiac disease to take a general vitamin/mineral supplement like One A Day (with or without iron...
  19. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in What are the Odds of Developing Celiac Disease based on HLA-DQA/DQB Genotype?   
    This suggests 1 in 7.
  20. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in Bone Up on Calcium and Vitamin D   
    It would be nice to have some references for these claims.
    Sunburn in childhood is the greatest risk for skin cancer:
    UV exposure is responsible for 8...
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    Russ H
    Russ H reacted to trents in Bone Up on Calcium and Vitamin D   
    Links to credible references please, marcus. There are plenty of unqualified "experts" who make a living off of sensational claims that run counter to mainstream scientific opinion.
  22. Upvote
    Russ H got a reaction from Qrummed in Which Fast Food French Fries are Gluten-Free?   
    That is a shame. In the UK, McDonalds fries are gluten-free.
  23. Upvote
    Rick Sanchez
    Russ H got a reaction from Rick Sanchez in Psychiatric and Neurological Manifestations of Celiac Disease in Adults   
    Not at all. Two thirds of people diagnosed in adulthood experience neurological manifestations. This is important from a medical diagnostic perspective and adds weight to the importance of adhering to a gluten-free diet.
  24. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in Psychiatric and Neurological Manifestations of Celiac Disease in Adults   
    Thank you for the interesting review article. Sheffield Teaching Hospital in the UK has been doing excellent research into gluten induced neuropathy. For example, in the prospective cohort study linked below, 67% of newly diagnosed celiac...
  25. Like
    Scott Adams
    Russ H got a reaction from Scott Adams in Celiac Disease Doubles COVID-19 Hospitalization Risk   
    Why is this nonsense? The study confirms that most people, whether or not they have coeliac disease, experience mild to moderate symptoms as you did. Vaccination provides modest protection against infection but large protection against...
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