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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Graeme1

  1. Hi everyone Just thought I’d post an update after finally getting answers on what has been going on for me . After having continued problems with blood in my poo (sorry) and seeing 5 different gps in my practice to try and explain I felt it needed further investigation I was still being fobbed off . I had my appointment for an endoscopy on Jan 9th ,...
  2. Hi everybody, hope you all had a great Christmas, . Sorry I haven’t replied to thank everyone for their advice . With regards what I have told my doctor they are aware of the blood, and did a digital exam which was clear but she did say it could be internal hemi which she couldn’t feel , I have an appointment in 2 weeks for endo she also said she mentioned the...
  3. Hi Trent’s , Scott thanks for your replies. I haven’t been officially diagnosed yet but I’m in the uk and the wait for a GI appointment could be long . So being that my son has been diagnosed I have made the decision to remove gluten at least until I get an appointment. With regards the symptoms I understand that things could take months but it is the b...
  4. Hi I’m new to site and hoped that speaking to others would help . I had been bothered with symptoms abdominal bloating , acid reflux and intermittent bloody stool (sorry!) for a couple of months , went to the doc who did bloods and also a celiac test as my son is celiac , bloods came back fine apart from celiac which was raised , I have given up gluten f...
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