Thank you for this added advice Scott I am definitely going to try a gluten free diet once I have completed my tests even if they are negative as you advise I need to find some relief from these symptoms there is something wrong if it's not celiac disease oh well fingers crossed I get some sort of diagnosis so I can try manage it 🤞🤞
Thank you for this invaluable information and advice I will take this on board and be sure to refer to this when next speaking with my consultant I appreciate you taking the time to inform me thank you x
Hi I'm 53 amd as far back as I can remember even being a little girl I always had terrible trapped wind pains and diarrhoea sometimes constipation. I get terrible bowel spasms followed by urgency rapid bowel movement. In my 20s I had 2 unsuccessful colonoscopy terrible experiences as I took a bowel spasms during one and endoscope was unable to pass through...