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Liquid lunch

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Liquid lunch

  1. @B1rdL0ver I do the same with things of interest, my brain isn’t great these days. Hope you feel better soon, if you’re worried about essential oils being oily then don’t, they are technically oils but very thin and will help dry your skin.
  2. @B1rdL0ver easiest way would be to buy blanched almonds that will already have had the skins removed or you could blanch your own, just dip them in boiling water for about 10 seconds, then run under a old tap to cool and remove the skins. When blanched and peeled just soak them in water overnight in the fridge and then put them in the blender, much cheaper...
  3. @B1rdL0ver easiest way would be to buy blanched almonds that will already have had the skins removed or you could blanch your own, just dip them in boiling water for about 10 seconds, then run under a old tap to cool and remove the skins. When blanched and peeled just soak them in water overnight in the fridge and then put them in the blender, much cheaper...
  4. @B1rdL0ver almonds are high in lectins but it’s in the skin so you could boil and peel some to make your own low lectin milk. I thought I’d been glutening myself with all sorts of things, assumed it was cross contamination with wheat but it turned out to be lectins. There’s various ways to reduce them, peeling, deseeding, high temperatures (pressure cooki...
  5. Hi @B1rdL0ver, I’ve been on a steep learning curve with my issues and found a few things that might help with yours. Skin problems - I use neat cardamom essential oil, clove also works or a blend of the two which smells good. The relief is pretty much immediate, some people advise caution using neat essential oil on skin but I’ve never had a problem wit...
  6. @knitty kitty you might find this interesting.. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0963996994900965 ‘lectins in tempe and other fermented foods made from beans, can be reduced up to 95%’
  7. @knitty kittyOoh that makes sense. I’m going to need to wait a while before any more experimenting though, collapsed in a heap with ballon belly. Cucumbers are now getting peeled and de seeded so hopefully that’ll help and Tempeh is next on the list of things to test which might be a good alternative. I’m a bit frightened to try pumpkin seeds again...
  8. Further update- feeling rubbish again today so more testing required, it does seem to help/reduce symptoms but I’ll need to wait until I’m feeling better and try again to know if this is completely effective.
  9. @knitty kitty update.. it works I soaked them overnight with glucosamine and although I’m still recovering from the last batch I don’t feel glutened. I’ll wait until I’m healed a bit more before trying again but pretty sure I’m just getting the tail end symptoms of the previous attempt, doesn’t seem to have worsened by eating the glucosamine soaked seed...
  10. Cooking them with chilli flakes probably didn’t help, keep up the good work @knitty kitty , you’re amazing
  11. @knitty kitty wow! That is really interesting so it might not be a contamination issue, I’ll get some glucosamine to try, thank you
  12. There’s an advert for ‘gliadin’ on my screen, has anyone tried pre soaking seeds in it?
  13. Not sure if it’ll work as I’ve never had stones but lots of blood and mucus. I’ve found that kefir helps, I’m pretty dependent on it. I’ve recommended it to lots of people with gut problems of all sorts and it seems to help most of them. I’d collect some of the stones and see if you can get them lab tested.
  14. Hi everyone, I’d really like to be able to eat pumpkin seeds but this is the second time trying them, this time a different type, and got glutened again. has anyone tried washing them first? Soap and vinegar maybe? Or soaking them in probiotics, kefir/kombucha?
  15. Wow, I hadn’t seen the iodine levels. It probably depends a lot on what they’re fed too, I think the reason the amino acid ratios are different is because their dietary needs are more specific than chickens. I’ve not noticed any issues with them causing DH but I’ve not had them long. Chickens can be used in the same way to make omegas more bioavailable but the...
  16. Thanks @Wheatwacked this is useful information, I didn’t realise sweet potatoes were so high or that the average intake had gotten so high in 6. I’ve started keeping quail to convert epa into dha omegas in the eggs, they have a better range of amino acids than chicken eggs and the depth of flavour is incredible.
  17. Probably this, I tried some thinking they might be ok being gluten free and spent the rest of this week bloated and bleeding in loads of pain. Haven’t been this bad in ages, seems to be a more severe reaction after switching to gluten free. Also burgers are often made with bread crumbs as a binder, same with sausages.
  18. How long does this take on average? So I should take all the recommended supplements until my villi recover and then stop taking all but the D3?
  19. Kitty probably knows more about this but I think the problem is if you have celiac then the villi in your small intestine gets damaged so you can’t absorb nutrients properly from food. I only eat highly nutrient dense foods but feel much better since I started taking all the supplements. I reckon I must’ve been deficient.
  20. Are you taking it with magnesium? Apparently that’s important. Kitty was saying 500mg a day of B1 with magnesium for three days to see if it’s going to work.
  21. Found this re. Maltodextrin, probably not great for celiacs even if it is gluten free.. ‘maltodextrin can negatively impact gut health. For example, one studyshowed that maltodextrin can alter the composition of your gut bacteria in a way that makes you more susceptible to disease. It does this by suppressing the growth of the beneficial bacteria i...
  22. I’ve always been a bit worried about taking supplements because I don’t know much about them so might end up doing more harm than good but the HCL worked so well I’ve stocked up on all the other recommended ones, B complex, magnesium citrate, D3, vit c, benfotiamine, chelated copper and zinc. Not cheap but I’m determined not to spend the rest of my d...
  23. Hi @knitty kitty. Thanks for the info, I was feeling loads better on 100mg of the HCL but then read more of your posts so increased it to 500mg at the same time as my benfotiamine 250mg arrived in the post and it’s been knocking me out. I was worried the benfotiamine wasn’t gluten free but maybe I just need to reduce the HCL a bit. I drink a lot of ...
  24. This gives me hope, my issues with it were intermittent which is what made me think it was cross contamination but I’ve been eating loads of thiamine so maybe it could be worth trying to reintroduce it. The gluten free one listed on Amazon is apparently no longer labelled as such on the packaging so it’ll have to be a gamble on the regular stuff.
  25. I’ve started growing 4 different varieties of potatoes and 2 types of quinoa, that’s almost a different carb option for each day of the week! Ordering some oca tubers so we’ll see how that goes. Similar to potatoes but with a lemon flavour apparently, not tried any yet.
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