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Liquid lunch

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    Liquid lunch
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    Liquid lunch got a reaction from B1rdL0ver in Dealing with constant nausea and just feeling awful.   
    @B1rdL0ver I do the same with things of interest, my brain isn’t great these days.
    Hope you feel better soon, if you’re worried about essential oils being oily then don’t, they are technically oils but very thin and will help dr...
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    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to B1rdL0ver in Dealing with constant nausea and just feeling awful.   
    Thank you so much @Liquid lunch!! Are you okay if I screenshot your reply so I don't loose it? Or in case I forget? 
  4. Like
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to B1rdL0ver in Dealing with constant nausea and just feeling awful.   
    🤣 That is cute.
    Thanks for the directions, I'll look into it!
  5. Like
    Liquid lunch got a reaction from B1rdL0ver in Dealing with constant nausea and just feeling awful.   
    @B1rdL0ver easiest way would be to buy blanched almonds that will already have had the skins removed or you could blanch your own, just dip them in boiling water for about 10 seconds, then run under a old tap to cool and remove the skins....
  6. Like
    Liquid lunch got a reaction from B1rdL0ver in Dealing with constant nausea and just feeling awful.   
    @B1rdL0ver almonds are high in lectins but it’s in the skin so you could boil and peel some to make your own low lectin milk.
    I thought I’d been glutening myself with all sorts of things, assumed it was cross contamination with...
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    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to B1rdL0ver in Dealing with constant nausea and just feeling awful.   
    Thanks for the advice @Liquid lunch!!!
    I will look into the essential oils but right now I'm hopefully on the path to recovery with my acne. I was prescribed Doxycycline on March 12th, which I was gone all day because we live...
  8. Like
    Liquid lunch got a reaction from B1rdL0ver in Dealing with constant nausea and just feeling awful.   
    Hi @B1rdL0ver, I’ve been on a steep learning curve with my issues and found a few things that might help with yours.
    Skin problems -  I use neat cardamom essential oil, clove also works or a blend of the two which smells good. T...
  9. Thanks
    knitty kitty
    Liquid lunch got a reaction from knitty kitty in Dealing with constant nausea and just feeling awful.   
    Hi @B1rdL0ver, I’ve been on a steep learning curve with my issues and found a few things that might help with yours.
    Skin problems -  I use neat cardamom essential oil, clove also works or a blend of the two which smells good. T...
  10. Like
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to knitty kitty in Washing seeds   
    @Liquid lunch,
    Remember to stay away from cruciferous vegetables, for a while, too!!!  😺
  11. Upvote
    knitty kitty
    Liquid lunch got a reaction from knitty kitty in Washing seeds   
    @knitty kittyOoh that makes sense. I’m going to need to wait a while before any more experimenting though, collapsed in a heap with ballon belly.
    Cucumbers are now getting peeled and de seeded so hopefully that’ll help and Tem...
  12. Like
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to knitty kitty in Washing seeds   
    Have you tried soaking them in distilled water?  Apparently distilled water can pull more lectins out of seeds and beans.
  13. Like
    knitty kitty
    Liquid lunch got a reaction from knitty kitty in Washing seeds   
    Further update- feeling rubbish again today so more testing required, it does seem to help/reduce symptoms but I’ll need to wait until I’m feeling better and try again to know if this is completely effective. 
  14. Upvote
    knitty kitty
    Liquid lunch got a reaction from knitty kitty in Washing seeds   
    @knitty kitty update.. it works  I soaked them overnight with glucosamine and although I’m still recovering from the last batch I don’t feel glutened.
    I’ll wait until I’m healed a bit more before trying again but pretty sure I’m ...
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    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to augustmoon in puzzled   
    OK I feel silly but I figured it out they were raspberry seeds I looked at photos of close up seeds and they had that neat pattern so no stones, but I do have digestive issues. I'll try the  kefir. Thanks for the advise.
  16. Like
    knitty kitty
    Liquid lunch got a reaction from knitty kitty in Washing seeds   
    @knitty kitty wow! That is really interesting so it might not be a contamination issue, I’ll get some glucosamine to try, thank you
  17. Thanks
    knitty kitty
    Liquid lunch got a reaction from knitty kitty in Washing seeds   
    Cooking them with chilli flakes probably didn’t help, keep up the good work @knitty kitty , you’re amazing
  18. Like
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to knitty kitty in Washing seeds   
    Pumpkin seeds are high in Lectins.  Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins found in plant seeds and beans.  Lectins can be inflammatory to already damaged intestines as in Celiac Disease.  
    Interesting Reading...
    Do die...
  19. Like
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to Wheatwacked in Autoimmune disease, clinical endocannabinoid deficiency, omegas, and the microbiome   
    The big difference seems to be quail eggs have twice as much B1, B2, B3, B12 and cholesterol.  More importantly quail eggs are considered hypoallergenic.  Then the other question is at the same iodine level, why don't quail eggs precipitate D...
  20. Thanks
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to Wheatwacked in Autoimmune disease, clinical endocannabinoid deficiency, omegas, and the microbiome   
    Our western diet has been estimated to be from 15:1 to as high as 27:1.
            The Importance of Maintaining a Low Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio for Reducing the Risk of Autoimmune Diseases, Asthma, and Allergies  "Up until about 100 ...
  21. Like
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to Wheatwacked in Feels like I can’t eat anything   
    Many have had the same response. Once the opiod effect wears off after being gluten free (figure about two weeks of withdrawel, you lose the analgesic effect and feel the pain more. So while you are first starting GFD it is extremely...
  22. Thanks
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to Wheatwacked in Feels like I can’t eat anything   
    Every one is different. Depends on how much damage you have and your nutrient intake. Doctors generally tell you don't eat gluten, see you next year, but don't prescribe or recommend nutrient replenishment. Healing of the villi can take...
  23. Like
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to Wheatwacked in Feels like I can’t eat anything   
    Once on GFD the villi heal and absorbtion is normal. Vitamin D is the one to watch because we just don't eat much food with it and the RDA is only enough to prevent Rickets in our indoors based society. Unless you are getting lots of...
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    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to SargeMaximus in Feels like I can’t eat anything   
    Update: Pills finally arrived. Are these the ones that heal the intestines @knitty kitty?
    And do I have to store them in...
  25. Thanks
    Liquid lunch
    Liquid lunch reacted to knitty kitty in Feels like I can’t eat anything   
    @Liquid lunch,
    It can be if you take too much.  If your stools do start getting loose, cut back on the magnesium citrate.  The label should tell you how many to take daily.  You do NOT need high doses of magnesium if taking hig...
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