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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by GfreeOH

  1. Thanks Scott. I had that idea as well, so, I went back on a gluten-diet Monday after just a brief few days of being gluten free. I can’t imagine it would skew the blood serology much. I had the bloodwork drawn today - so we shall see what it says. I was instructed to go gluten free post serology testing since I have already had the positive EGD and gene t...
  2. Hello, I have a one-off question regarding Celiac Serology. I had an EGD on Monday of Last week after a 7/8 week gluten challenge. I had been gluten free for 6 months prior to the gluten challenge. The EGD found Villous flattening and suspected Celiac. I have the Celiac HLADQ Genes confirmed by Mayo clinic already. My question is: The Gastro...
  3. Thanks again wheatwhacked! I may see if I can get them to run a vitamin panel as well as I only know the D-25 result as that was ran as a general wellness lab by my pcp:) I think I have many of the celiac/malnourishment symptoms, but again it’s just so hard to say as they seem to be symptoms of other ailments as well. I am only 5 feet tall (short stature),...
  4. I’m so glad it helped you!! My mood is definitely affected at times and I do find myself to get tired easily. I have lots of joint pains as well but I told myself it was due to me getting older. Lol. I’ll absolutely start the supplementation here soon. There is just so much to work on and research right now it seems! Thank you for taking the time to send a r...
  5. Sorry Trent, I’m just seeing the bottom half of your response mentioning the celiac home test kit. If the Gastro won’t order the full panel, I can absolutely look into this. Thanks! Also, I had the genetic test through Mayo Clinic already:) The Gastro did order that at least:) that is what prompted them doing the EGD. I have the “celiac gene pairs”, and...
  6. This is so helpful, thank-you! I will continue the gluten challenge until I hear from the doctors otherwise in-case further bloodwork will be needed. Have a great evening!
  7. Thank you, Trents! I have been dairy-free and nut-free for years due to allergies, and, I do not take any prescribed or over the counter meds regularly. My main symptoms are the right-sided abdominal pain and severe bloated abdomen. I also have quite a bit of tiredness likely from the low vitamin levels or low iron. I have had full bloodwork, and follow...
  8. Hello! Backstory, I have been fighting with chronic abdominal pain for YEARS. I was told the pain was “IBS”. I was referred to a Gastroenterologist office in my town and had bloodwork done, as well as Genetic testing through Mayo Clinic. My TTG-IGA and TTG IGG were negative, but, the Celiac Gene pairs were present. It said DQ Alpha 1 05:01, 0...
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