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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by LP023

  1. Potatoes could be the culprit. Her chicken can not sit in the refrigerator, it can’t be eaten as left overs. It has to be prepared from frozen (only let it unthaw in the refrigerator and cook it as soon as it is unthawed) and eaten before it gets cool. She also takes a medication for it and takes a Claritin in the morning and I think a Zyrtec at night. I...
  2. My mom went 12 years being diagnosed with celiacs, crohns, ulcerative colitis, ibs. She went to the Mayo Clinic and found out she had mast cell. After a diet for that she is much better.
  3. I came across several studies today that said a gluten free diet may not be the best option for someone with celiacs who are asymptomatic. I’m not sensitive to eating gluten. I have been gluten free for over a month now. The studies say that those who are asymptomatic and do not have severe damage may be doing more harm than good by going gluten free because t...
  4. Most likely am positive but I know when I worked in the lab several years ago I learned really quick false positives for several things aren’t as uncommon as we think. Other autoimmune diseases can cause false positives. HIV antibody testing is a huge false positive risk and they say it’s 99% accurate. Every time we had a positive it was sent off for con...
  5. I like your view on this. There is so much misinformation out there. My dr unfortunately didn’t give me any information and the wait times are months to be seen for a specialist. I’m just wondering if a crumb will do as much damage as a piece of bread to someone’s intestines. Does a dusting of flour cause damage to intestines as bad as eating a cake. From...
  6. I get frustrated because so literally got a call saying my celiacs lab was high and I needed a biopsy to confirm. 4 months later for the biopsy so I was left to Google to learn anything. I was given no info from the GI. Reading on Google has me thinking we’re all doomed. One lady said her husband laid his cutting board on hers in the dishwasher and she g...
  7. I do not have symptoms after eating gluten. Only sometimes. I do feel better since I quit eating gluten after I had a TTG of 25. Upper normal was 10. I have 3 kids and a husband so I’m not going to do a total gluten free home. I’m still waiting for the biopsy. I found out in January and April 26th was the soonest appointment for biopsy. I know they say to ...
  8. Look into mast cell. My mom has it and she was diagnosed with celiacs, crohns, colitis, ibs and told she may have stomach cancer but nothing ever turned up on tests that I’m aware of. 15 years later she went to the Mayo Clinic and was diagnosed with mast cell. She has to have all meat fresh, organic and can’t let any food get above a certain temp and can...
  9. I was recently diagnosed with lab test. Waiting on biopsies to confirm. Normal level was 10. Mine was 25 on TTG IGA…(I think that’s correct abbreviations. Has anyone gone back to feeling normal after going gluten free or am I doomed to have these spells of stomach upset and fatigue forever.
  10. Eggs is a no. Dairy sometimes. It’s looking like 2 months before the tests will be done. I thought I would try it for awhile to see what happened if I cut out gluten for a week. I’ve read that the blood test was 98% accurate. 25 is 15 over the positive limit but I’ve seen where some people were in the 100s. I had Covid a year ago and since then I’ve felt...
  11. Not that I know of. CRP was fine. I guess that’s for inflammation. Vitamins were fine. Running a colonoscopy, swallow test and upper endo but the wait is long. I haven’t eaten gluten in 4 days. Ate a salad with no dressing and pain started. Mine seems to be vegetables and fruit. Sometimes meat. Makes no sense to me.
  12. I think 0-3 negative 4-10 week positive and anything over 10 positive.
  13. I recently had a ttg and the results were 25 and I was told that it was positive by Gastro. I don’t hurt when I eat gluten but I feel awful when I eat vegetables and meat like on a keto diet. Could it be false positive? Is 25 high enough to be a for sure diagnoses? I can go several months with no issues at all and then get sick but eating bread, pasta, p...
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