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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Tweaton

  1. Got a notice that Rus H left a reply to my post. Since this is the only reply that I see I'm assuming it's from Rus. Thank you for your comments. The odd thing is, I haven't had any serious pain in my oesophagus for I can't remember how long; it's all in my throat. I do get some serious burning in my butt from time to time. And I get spot pains around my gut that I haven't taken seriously until now. I have an appointment with a Dietician tomorrow and an annual physical next week. I think I'm going to ask if I can get tested for Celiac disease. Then in about I'll start my elimination diet. I'm feeling more confident that I'm on the right track since reading your reply. Thanks again. 


  2. On 2/8/2023 at 1:02 PM, trents said:

    Welcome to the forum, Tweaton!

    Can you provide a link to that article you referenced please?

    My first reaction to the information you provided about your sore throat experience is that it sounds like an allergic reaction, or possibly GERD (Gastro Esophagial Reflux Disease).


    Actually it was an earlier post on this forum. I copied the title and used it in my title for this quote. I found it by Googling (gluten sore throat congestion). I'm not sure if those are all the exact search terms but there about 90%. What got my attention were the descriptions in virtually every reply. The post has been closed, but if you can find it scroll through the replies. About a screen so down the list there's one that is identical to my symptoms; right down to the excessive mucus, with or without post nasal drip. I'm already treating for Asthma and allergies and I figure the elimination diet aught to cover Gerd. I won't see the nutritionist for a couple of weeks yet so I am considering asking my PCP about testing. Thank you all for your feedback. The more I have the better I'll be able to make an informed decision. 


  3. I wanted to know if gluten could be causing my chronic sore throat, which I have been living with for four or five years now. I Googled it and found this article "Sore Throat As A First Sign Of Glutening". I've always tried to eat healthy and have preferred whole wheat bread, thinking it was healthier than white bread. I've never had any reason to believe that I might have Celiac disease; heck, I never even knew what it was until now! I just thought I might be having a reaction to so much gluten over the last 50 years. I'm planning to go on an elimination diet and you can be sure I'll be looking for a reaction to gluten. The comments that I read described exactly what I have been experiencing. Thank you! Tom

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