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Lu Sims

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  1. Oh wow! That must be so difficult for people with NCGS. I was so overwhelmed by all the things you are at a higher risk of getting if you have celiac disease, that I had no idea of the concerns for people with NCGS. I wish there was more understanding in the general public for people with problems with gluten. I feel like peanut allergies are taken more...
  2. Thank you I finally feel like I understand my test results! Thank you!
  3. Thank you so much for all the great information! The blood tests were all run before starting a gluten free diet. Only the biopsy was after, about a month after. The only symptoms I really had was an unexplained pain in the small intestine area that wouldn’t even allow me to sleep through the night. It came on suddenly and not until I was 60 years old. I...
  4. Everything I have read says IELs should be elevated. I have not had any other biopsies. Thank you so much for helping me through this. This is probably more results than you are asking for, but this is so new to me I wasn’t sure what to post. I had blood work done in October because I was having so much pain in my stomach, but no other symptoms. The test s...
  5. Unfortunately, since I was referred to a Nurse Practitioner instead of a Gastroenterologist they would not let me see a Gastroenterologist after my blood tests showed celiac I had to fight to get any testing done, and now I worry about the accuracy of it since I had been gluten free for a month. It’s good to hear that it could be the reason for showing n...
  6. I’m confused. I had a blood test done showing a high probability of celiac. My doctor put me on a gluten free diet for one month until I insisted on a biopsy. The biopsy showed a small flattening of villi, but no increased IELs. Can I still have celiac without increased IELs?
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