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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Raquel2021

  1. I went back to see a gastroenterologist today because I continue to have some symptoms even though I follow a gluten-free and my celiac antibodies are now in normal levels. The gastroenterologist says that having upper abdominal pain is no a symptom of celiac disease. I was like, what? I told him I visit celiac forums to learn about the management of this...
  2. Thanks Scott. Always so helpful. My household is pretty much gluten free except for some snacks but anything I put on the grill is gluten free. It would be the same meat I cook on my stove so that's how I know it might be the grill. I did cleaned it pretty good back them. Took everything apart and cleaned it and had the grill on at 600 or 700 degrees for...
  3. Hi, I read somewhere not sure if on this forum that if you cooked your grill for one hour at 600 Celsius degrees you could actually eliminate any gluten that was on it but burning it. We did that 2 summers ago after my diagnosis. I however still notice bbq food gives me a bit of trouble. Can some let me know if burning the gluten as described above...
  4. As mentioned by other eliminate dairy, eggs, and iodine rich foods. Seafood and don't forget about iodized salt. Just get yourself some sea salt instead and see if that helps. The rash can take a while to clear
  5. Yes. I have the same issues. I have tried everything from eating more protein to eating more healthy fats. I am unable to gain any weight and lose weight easily. I have been gluten free for 3 years now. I am unable to exercise due to very low iron levels. Not able to raise my iron levels either.
  6. My ferritin has always being lower than 9. It seats around 5 or 6. I have celiac disease and I am not able to raise it with supplements or food. Ferritin has been low since I can remember. Always have had a lot of fatigue.
  7. If greater than 15 is normal then I think is normal to still have a few antibodies. I recently did mine, being gluten-free for 3 years and follow a similar style diet and mine were 7. My Dr told me that was good.
  8. This is also Sri Lanka so 3rd world countries might have different standards. From what I have read on this website it seems like I am one of those supersensitive people. It is very frustrating. I even go hungry sometimes as I don't want to deal with symptoms and just stick to the safe foods. Vegetables and meat.
  9. I found out that at some point it was not a gluten free facility. So it is hard to know. And from experience we know that even certified gluten free food can still have gluten. You only know when you get sick. I do not have an allergy to nuts as far as I know. I tried it more than once to make sure it was the coconut as I really love coconut and it made...
  10. It is the camino organic brand. Shredded coconut. I sometimes wonder if the coconut was too much for my poor digestive system but I got pretty sick with it.
  11. Very interesting. Thank you. This leaves me with the question What the heck can I eat? Lol
  12. I recently got sick with gluten free packaged coconut I put in a recipe. So you never know. Later read this manufacturer processes wheat in the same factory but that was not declared on the label.
  13. I tried taking Feramax and it would give me celiac like pain. Pain under my ribcage left side is one of my main symptoms. Burning like pain. My numbers seem to sit around 6, 5, or 9 and I cannot change it. I still have fatigue
  14. Just curious. What type of iron supplement do you take. My ferritin has always been 5 to 9 and not able to increase it even when taking supplements as well. This was also my only symptom for years but I was also very tired. Eventually I had full blown celiac disease. To answer your question. Yes those numbers mean you are doing a good job with the diet...
  15. Like others have mentioned there are other foods that mimic gluten so the body might "see" these foods as gluten and have the same reaction as if you were consuming gluten. That was the point of my explanation. Going gluten free only most of the time is not enough. I think there is a lot to be discovered about this unfortunate disease. I know that when...
  16. Hi I have not eaten lentils for 3 years now since I was diagnosed. I really miss them so I am wondering if anyone had any luck finding and being able to eat gluten free lentils. It seems they are at high risk on cc. I have tried eating split peas and get the celiac burning pain on the left side of my upper stomach . Thanks
  17. I am sorry to hear about your journey. In addition to celiac I have Hashimotos. I was also experiencing paresthesia on head/face and limbs. After months of experimenting with foods elimination I discovered iodine rich foods were the cause of my paresthesia. So I eliminated dairy, eggs, soy and iodized salt.I dont eat seaweed so that was not a problem. I...
  18. I know that. Is the iodine in the eggs that can make DH worse. There are some postings about iodine and DH getting worse on the DH forums. I was just referring to the DH part of her post. Her antibodies must be high for some other reason. There is also a percentage of celiacs that react to gluten free oats. I am one of them. Everybody is different.
  19. I completely undertand. It took me months to realize it was the eggs and dairy causing my paresthesia but eliminated them out of desperation. Lastly my endocrinologist told me Hashimotos patients do better with no iodized salt but I didn't listen as I know iodine is needed but as I said that was what made the difference. Basically I am on a low iodine diet...
  20. I am sorry to hear you are going through this. You are not alone. I was diagnosed with celiac 3 years ago and last year developed a rash that looked like DH after going to a restaurant and getting sick. I was also dealing with numbness/tingling on the right side of my face and limbs. It turns out it was iodine in my diet causing these issues. I run out of...
  21. I have the opposite problem. I have normal hemoglobin after 3 years on the gluten-free diet (I used to have low hemoglobin)and high iron supplements but still struggling with ferritin of 9 sometimes 5 (normal range is 15 to 275). Can someone help? I deal with a lot of fatigue. And I am.not able to raise my ferritin levels.
  22. I also think canned tomatoes should be ok. Just always read labels . In regards to beans it can be hard to find certified gluten free beans either canned or dried. I found the brand Click is good is certified gluten-free.
  23. Yes definitely. Gluten also makes me feel really sad. It is awful.
  24. Good. Vegetarian diets can work wonders for some individuals but for us celiacs I think we definitely need to consume meats as we are already very restricted. I think that following a paleo style diet or AIP is beneficial. I have been gluten-free for 3 years now and I am still experiencing some symptoms. Still recovering I guess.
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