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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Raquel2021

  1. What about your iron levels? Very common for celiacs to have low iron. Do you consume meats/seafood? Not sure if you mentioned you are a vegetarian.
  2. I personally won't buy spices or any products with the might contain statement. I have read is not safe for celiacs. Try McCormick or some of the House Club spices. Always check ingredients and company's website for changes.
  3. Thank you. I truly appreciate it your responses as I think our journeys are similar. I jsut have a green smoothie every day. Kale, leafy green, a few raspberries and a banana. I keep it 70 perfect veggies and 30 percent fruit. I would eat toast gluten-free with tahini. Lunch and dinner cruciferous vegetables and some form of carb such as sweet potatoes...
  4. I have tried multiple brands of vitamins. The last vitamin D I tried was from New Roots. I can tolerate a small dose of their sublingual b12 (only brand I can tolerate after spending hundreds of dollars ) So I thought vitamin D would work. Symptoms I get are numbness/tingling on the right side of my face. Itchy right side of my face. Feel like I have a cold...
  5. Hi knitty kitty, Are you in a normal healthy weight now? I have tried talking B complex of all kinds and cannot tolerate them . I also tried taking a sublingual vitamin D last week and gave me crazy insomnia. I want to try taking thiamine but I am honestly scared. Every night I lose sleep is a nightmare for me. I felt great taking the vitamin D is...
  6. Hi Yvonne I have lost a lot of weight as well and unable to put it back on . What diet are you on?
  7. My story is similar to yours. I have celiac, also hashimotos. About a year and half ago starting having neurological symptoms, numbness and tingling on the right side of my face. Also on my limbs. Dr thought I had MS but neurologist says this is due to celiac. I also react to soy, dairy and lately realized eggs were a big cause of my neurological symptoms...
  8. Hi Wheatwacked I tried taking only 1000 IU (drops) and it made feel great but then I could not sleep at night. It also caused me some numbness and tingling on my face. I have a lot of issues with taking vitamins. I can only tolerate iron and B12 without losing sleep. So weird
  9. Yes. It is anti nausea medication and it kind of help with the severity of the inmune system attack. It might have a different name in other countries but there are plenty of this type of medication every where.
  10. I find taking gluten free gravol helps me with lowering the effects of the attack. Discovered gravol works by accident. Just regular gravol I dont take any of the fancy ones.
  11. My iron has been low for years. My ferritin has always being 5. Now that I take iron supplements is 11 so 30 is low but it can be worse. Take a sublingual b12. I also never had diarrhea. Just excruciating pain on the left side of my upper stomach along for other random symptoms Just like you. You should be tested for celiac disease since it runs in your...
  12. I am very sorry to hear you are going through this. I had my very first neurological symptoms after taking the second shot of the Moderna. It was a very scary experience for me. That was two years ago and I am still healing. Doctors have no answers for me but experienced numbness and tingling on the face arms and Legs after the vaccine. I will never ever...
  13. Have they done an endoscopy? I know someone who had this issue and actually had esophageal cancer. I am sorry not trying to scare you but that is how the person was diagnosed. Another reason could be a swollen thyroid?
  14. I wonder if in any way iodized salt mimics gluten in any way.
  15. Very interesting info. So if you elimate iodized salt from your diet and other iodine rich foods how are you to get the iodine your thyroid needs. Just asking because my endocrinologist told me to get rid off iodized salt and kelp.for my Hastings Hashimoto's
  16. I agree with Trents. You were probably misdiagnosed. If you had celiac disease you would have known. You probably had something else.
  17. I tried taking the UltraB complex from New Roots. It is gluten free, dairy free soy free. I take their liquid B12 and can tolerate it just fine. It is sublingual so I guess that is why. Thanks
  18. Thanks. For me any time I take B complex I find I have a terrible sleep. It gives me too much energy.
  19. I have celiac and my son had issues for years. Pediatrician could not figure it out. His tests came back negative. His blood test I mean. I never did an endoscopy for him. He was skinny for years. Once I was diagnosed I tried the gluten free diet on him. His symptoms went all away. Went from getting Cs at school to As. He would also get angry and had stomach...
  20. @knitty kitty can you please list the brand of B vitamins you take? I am still looking for one that wont give me insomnia. I have tried taking them first thing in the morning.
  21. I never had genetic testing done. Just antibodies and positive endoscopy. My GI Dr told me I had celiac for sure. Maybe there was an error with your genetic testing. If the gluten-free diet has helped I would stick with it.
  22. I tried that once. Went to a restaurant with coworkers for a celebration. I thought I could handle it. Had lunch before I went and by the end of it. I felt frustrated, hungry and sad. It did not go well. I agree with you do. Those social interactions are essential.
  23. Thank you. So tough. I am still getting used to it and feel like avoiding cross contamination all together is best. Meaning I have not eaten at restaurants for more than 6 months now and not going to works Xmas party. That's still leaves me sad. Thanks Scott. So difficult. I am still grieving the loss of my worry free life.
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