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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by herminia

  1. Through a process called centrifugation,is washed thoroughly and dried. Did you experience ANY reaction after eating the croissant, and would you do it again?
  2. The word "wheat" makes me cringe, esp if it's the first ingredient listed. I'm fairly convinced that the only people that can relate to this immunity, allergy, disease, etc, whatever it is, are the people dealing with it. It was always 'gerd', until a smart,young thing fresh out of med school tested and called it celiac. Next 2 docs said No, it's not; 4th...
  3. Practical advice. Thanks. I'm wondering if anyone has the same curiousity about breads that I have. Last week I bought gluten-free Canyon royal buns, which were a bit sweet and small, so I made 2 turkey sandwiches with Lays chips. Yummy. This week I bought gluten-free Rudy's rocky mountain loaf of regular size slices that I'm going to try in a grilled...
  4. I might have said ok to crickets, but you totally lost me at roaches: yuck gross nasty disgusting
  5. Sorry you're having these issues. Canyon royal has been my go-to bread ; I had small turkey sandwiches on their rolls which were not bad at all; regular sliced bread was not available. Udis is a joke as far as I'm concerned; definitely not for me. I like the idea of a hamburger on portabella very much. It's sad that we're having to scramble to find foods...
  6. Knitty, Please let my doctors know which I have, as both terms have been used to describe my condition. Regardless, staying gluten free has been very helpful to me, and I have long since quit believing that doctors know all.
  7. Hi, Tanya... different doctors have referred to my allergy to gluten in both ways.....celiac and intolerant. I've given up on their expertise and I'm eating what my common sense tells me. I know that if I join my grandkids in a burger at McDonald's I will be very miserable, but Schlotskys has a delicious gluten-free sandwich. I look for frozen gluten-free...
  8. Why do you want to give up rice? It's in many gluten free products, esp gluten-free bread. I eat a lot of sandwiches with fresh meats and cheese and lettuce, tomatoes. There's always possibility of contamination, but I buy the Lays Variety box of chips for my sandwiches. I eat lots of salads, feel comfortable eating steak, pork chops, etc with mashed potatoes...
  9. I have a Loving family that knows I have gluten intolerance, but that I also love pastries...pies, cake, cookies. My daughter went to a party and brought back a small piece from a beautiful angel food cake served at the party and placed it on the counter, thinking it was so small it wouldn't be a problem. Foolish me, I had two forkfuls. Within the hour I...
  10. Stress seems to bring out all the symptoms...rib pain, stomach issues, weakness, itching, overall body pain. It helps if I am extra more careful with gluten.
  11. Oh my. This pain under and along the left rib happens to me occasionally and in my 5 years of diagnosis i had never associated it with celiac. It is extremely painful, and I often resort to heavy duty pain meds for relief. Last week it continued for 3 days until I took medication. I'm quite careful with my food intake so usually don't have gastric issues...
  12. Someone within these past few days posted about pain and pressure located around the left rib area radiating to the back...this happens to me on occasions for no reason. I never associated it with my celiac and would like more info if it is indeed related. I take heavy duty leftover pills for pain when it happens.
  13. If I recall....the first TT Iga indicated gluten intolerance: numbers, went from +3 to10, indicator for gluten intolerance. My second TT (different test) indicated allergy, after a week of indulgence, numbers much higher but nowhere near the numbers you indicated. I did experience severe stomach pain and nausea, but your numbers seem to be indicative of...
  14. I feel your pain. It was my old- school doc who kept denying that I was allergic to gluten AFTER my initial positive reaction...I was no longer eating gluten so of course I would test negative. Even the younger docs said it wasn't gluten allergy until after a Christmas holiday when I ate every sort of cookie, pie, gravy I wanted. Wonderful for half a day...
  15. From herminia: My grandson, now 16, has always disliked items like butter biscuits and is no longer asking for burgers. My daughter had him tested for allergies, and he has various positives, gluten and lactose. I have celiac, my sister is lactose intolerant. I suspect gene tests are not necessarily required.
  16. Madmom..Your reply was meant for Grame1. She posted that she had bleeding taking place and didn't feel comfortable with Dr diagnosis. I suggested she get second opinion. I'm new on site and haven't mastered procedures.
  17. Perhaps a 2nd opinion? My first gastro doc did an endoscopy and told me I had pancreatitis, could not be cured, only managed and my liver was damaged also (I haven't had an alcoholic drink in 12 years) She made it sound like a death sentence. I requested second opinions for liver and pancreas. Hepatologist & gastroenterologist agreed that I had a...
  18. I can see where living alone could allow one to not have gluten contact at all. There are 4 living in our house, however, so it's impossible to require everyone to follow a diet that is perfect for me. We all do the best we can; can't control everything in the world. There are good days mostly, some not so great ones.
  19. My doctor called it celiac...I go by his diagnosis as I'm not an expert.
  20. 🤗 My thoughts: I agree with you. Celiacs need to be more cautious.....I wont have a regular burger with my family, for instance. I request a bunless burger...only the meat patty with the lettuce n tomato on the side. I'm sure there's cross contamination, but exposure is minimal. Everything in moderation, is my belief. May not be for everyone, but it works fo...
  21. My personal experience (now76 yo) suggests that I have a sensitivity to gluten, that occasional exposure is not harmful TO ME, as I don't find myself wracking with the pain and fatigue previously experienced before diagnosis. I don't go to extremes in my home, other than family is forbidden to leave cookies, cake, and pie on the counter. I am always looking...
  22. For years I experienced stomach issues with pain, nausea, etc. I was always told I had GERD. About 5 years ago a smart new med school grad decided to test for gluten allergy. Voila! The test was positive. I was referred to a dietitian, and my issues disappeared within days after I changed my diet. I slip sometimes, but at least I know how my symptoms can...
  23. My grocery store has few choices of food products available. Their common product is Udis bread. I like hotdogs but udi buns are so thick and dense I find myself hollowing out the bun. Their bread loaf slices fall apart. Which is the best bread for normal sandwiches?
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