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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Olfy75

  1. The problem with being celiac in South Africa is that “contamination” is almost never taken into account. There’s a widespread “confusion” between gluten free and celiac safe. You will find many “gluten free” products, but celiac safe is a completely different story (I.e. it doesn’t help much if the colcacchio pizza base is gluten-free, if they bake it wi...
  2. Hi Knitty Kitty, thanks for sharing the info, I didn’t know about the link anemia - false negative results. As for amitriptyline, it affects cytokines, and neuro transmitters, that’s why it’s widely used for anxiety but also for painful conditions (they regulate both immunity AND inflammation, aka pain). I have an autoimmune condition and was given this ...
  3. Thank you 🙏🏻 Scott Adams. I don’t know honestly, also biopsy results are very different where I am from (much more accurate in a way). But I sent it all to my doctor in the States and I’m waiting for him to revert back … Will update on his opinion! Thanks for the article as well; it seems like the gliadin test I am positive for, is no long...
  4. Hi Scott Adams thanks a lot for your answer. yes I had the endoscopy because my test results were “inconclusive”, as one one value was elevated, also apparent the most non specific one. these were the results: TTG IgA 0.2 ELI U/ml -reference < 7.0 normal 7-10 equivocal > 10 positive S-IgA (g/L) 1.16 g/L -Reference 0.4...
  5. I can imagine. I hope this won’t happen anymore, now, when knowledge is (a bit) better on gluten and celiac disease.
  6. Hello 👋🏻 everyone ☺️ can you please help me understand my recent biopsy? Although my vili look normal, there’s CD3 lymphocytes. There is not indication on numbers, just that they are probably within normal ranges. Is it normal to find lymphocytes? Shouldn’t they have indicated numbers/quantity? I remember my bladder biopsy (which...
  7. Hi Deb, I am glad you are better, although not completely “cured”. I think the most frustrating part is knowing that “it could have been avoided”. Best of luck!
  8. Hi Trent, thank you. Of course, these were the test results : TTG IgA 0.2 ELI U/ml -reference < 7.0 normal 7-10 equivocal > 10 positive S-IgA (g/L) 1.16 g/L -Reference 0.41-3.49 ANTI GLIADIN IgA Ab 86.0 U/ml - reference < 7.0 Only the anti gliadin was positive (both times I got tested one month apart...
  9. Hi RMJ, thanks for the answer, I made sure I was eating gluten for the 6 weeks prior to the procedure, that should be enough, I think? Hi RMJ, thanks for the answer, I made sure I was eating gluten for the 6 weeks prior to the procedure, that should be enough, I think?
  10. Hi Trent, thank you. these were the tests: TTG IgA 0.2 ELI U/ml -reference < 7.0 normal 7-10 equivocal > 10 positive S-IgA (g/L) 1.16 g/L -Reference 0.41-3.49 ANTI GLIADIN IgA Ab 86.0 U/ml - reference < 7.0 Only the anti gliadin was positive both times I got tested one month apart. I’m also n...
  11. Good day everyone 🙂 as promised, an update. I decided to do a gastroscopy while here in SA. I sent the blood tests to the doctor and he called me two days before my gastroscopy to say “your blood test are VERY positive for celiac, why do you want to do the endoscopy”? I told him that I wanted to be sure since only one blood test was po...
  12. Hello 👋🏻 Joining this thread as I need suggestions for a good GI doctor in SA, Cape Town area, where I could get endoscopy as well. If you could also give me an idea on the cost I’d appreciate it. Thank you for the help fellow SA peeps!
  13. Thank you Trent, yes I am confused on what to do. Also because over the past month I have been eating *much more* gluten and, ironically my digestive issues were much less. Got lots of acne though 😅😅 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ I will think about it … thanks xxx
  14. Hello guys 🙂 as promised, an update, I spoke to a Gastroenterologist and he had me perform a calprotectin test, which came back negative. he also said that I need upper endoscopy with biopsy to see if it celiac. In his opinion removing gluten now is pointless as I do not know if I am celiac. I won’t be able to have the endoscopy until end ...
  15. Yooooo … so many things to process and learn 🙈 I am so sorry about the delay in your diagnosis! And it got better on GFD - just WOW. It must be upsetting.
  16. Sorry, don’t know how to edit my previous message, I wanted to add that I’m thinking there must be a correlation with IC / MC problems because it was actually my urologist who suggested I follow a low gluten diet as - in his opinion - gluten creates/increases inflammation in the body. Go figure.
  17. Thank you for all the links and info, I will most surely have a good look at them. My mom’s almost 80 now though. I’m 43. by the way, I was checking all the links to other diseases, I am curious to see if there’s a correlation with mast cells activation syndrome and interstitial cystitis with degranulation predominance (which I have), I can’t fin...
  18. It would be incredible if she could feel better!! Hopefully she’ll agree to have the tests done ☺️
  19. Oh well… thank you. I will update here when I have some more tests and that endoscopy (I was so sure that the colonoscopy was enough 🙈) … hopefully soon! Yes my mom’s ataxia unfortunately can’t be reversed now, as it (the inflammation or what was causing the ataxia aka the gluten if it’s actually the case) has caused the cerebellum atrophy, and...
  20. You know, I’ve always been deficient and been supplementing with high doses of vit D, iron, B12 and Magnesium and just just barely make the minimum RDA … maybe now I understand why!! Thanks a lot xxx
  21. Thanks a lot, both of you. sorry about the incomplete tests results, I thought it was somewhat standard, here they are with reference rage: TTG IgA 0.2 ELI U/ml reference < 7.0 normal 7-10 equivocal > 10 positive S-IgA (g/L) 1.16 g/L Reference 0.41-3.49 ANTI GLIADIN IgA Ab 86.0 U/ml - reference < 7.0 I don...
  22. Hello everyone! I hope you can shed some light. I’ve always had digestive issues, and always been eating “weirdly” because of this. I.e. I gravitate towards a gluten free diet, I don’t eat dairy products with lactose, and other foods give me issues. Lately I was feeling so poorly - with all a new constellation of symptoms not completely related...
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