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  1. 2 biopsies. first was in 2015 second was 2022 -Positive.
  2. I had a celiac panel done in 2015 and the antibodies were at 136- it prompted me to get a scope- the doctor said he “may have seen something” and pathology came back with a 100% negative result. So I continued eating a regular diet.
  3. I don’t think I can post pics so I’ll write the results. 3/2022- TTG-IGA was 29. (Anything above a 3 is abnormal) Endomysial Antibody- Positive. scope came back in 5/2022- malabsorption pattern with partial villous atrophy and increased intraepithelial lymphocytes” fast forward to 12/2022 ttg/IGA was at 7. Endomysial antibody was n...
  4. My scope in 2022 was positive and showed on report “villous blunting” and “increased epithelial lymphocytes” my recent symptoms that prompted me to get tested was diarrhea, sprinting from sleep to the bathroom, migraines, and fatty, mushy stool and for years have had unexplained b12, vitamin D deficiency. Since then, it’s been a struggle, I’ve been to the...
  5. Topic: Celiac disease I need some serious help.. please..judge me, I don’t care…obviously, as what I’m about to say 😞 Last year 5/2022, I was diagnosed with celiac with blood test and biopsy. since then, I developed severe depression with my life and with celiac always in the back of my mind and thus Been cheating on diet and living a “yolo” lifestyle...
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