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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Maxipoo

  1. Thank you so much for the reply. I always appreciate when you post. The dip in numbers certainly threw me off. So, the IgG still positive basically means nothing? The nurse called me back and said the doctor said I definitely do NOT have celiac disease. I asked about the biopsy and what could have made the numbers change. Also asked where to go from here...
  2. Follow up... Gastroenterologist’s office called earlier before I had a chance to proactively call them. The nurse said the doctor asked if I had any gluten since the last test. He assumed I had not and my numbers were normalizing. I told her I had it everyday and figured my numbers would go up and am confused as to why they went down (let her know I accessed t...
  3. Noted on the board previously, I have had some digestive and neurological issues. This led to a Celiac panel at the end of March after I had a biopsy showing small intestine damage. I was off of gluten three weeks leading up to it. Three measures were out of range. The gastroenterologist wanted to do one more panel to confirm Celiac Disease. As suggested...
  4. If I remember correctly, the only thing ever noted over the last two years was low Vitamin D. I have experienced muscle twitching, neuropathy, and brain fog along with a host of other issues. One neurologist noted “mononeuritis multiplex.” He shut down his clinic because his wife is terminal. I had a follow up with a different neurologist a couple of wee...
  5. Hmmm. Only major thing between then and now was a positive covid test. Strange to feel it, but I would like to think celiac disease explains all my odd medical symptoms over the last two years. Maybe it is just applicable to recent ones. I have two and a half weeks until the next blood test now. I will keep throwing down some gluten and see what the results...
  6. Scott, I was looking through my paperwork from the last year and saw that a walk in clinic ran an autoimmune panel in November. It had a “Celiac Disease Evaluation” section. It does not indicate any positives. I guess this is possible though the results I noted earlier in this thread via a gastroenterologist just a few months later lean positive? Th...
  7. I feel a bit like that in this case. Great input and specific. Thank you.
  8. Hmmm... OK. Thanks again for the great info trents! If anyone else has ideas as to why more blood testing is needed, please let me know. It will be interesting to compare the second test with the first I suppose.
  9. Thanks again. I will have to read about some of the specific things you discuss in order to educate myself. For the layperson, how does this information you provided relate to my specific situation involving a positive biopsy and the blood test results noted above?
  10. Thank you trents. What does it take for a Celiac diagnosis? I am assuming my positive biopsy and the blood test with some positive indicators is not enough since the gastroenterologist wants to do more blood testing? Is a diagnosis doctor-dependent and somewhat subjective? I have 22 days before the next test. I will start eating a couple of pieces of bread...
  11. I am glad to find this forum. I have had a few years of odd health issues. A neurologist finally referred me to a gastroenterologist a few weeks ago. There was a biopsy of the small intestines that showed signs of Celiac Disease. He told me that, and I immediately started cutting gluten. He told me I would have bloodwork to confirm three weeks later. I had...
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