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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Emma84

  1. would I have a severe reaction from such a small amount of gluten with NCGS? they did the endoscopy which is how they got the biopsy. They didn’t mention IELs just that my villi were normal. I’m not entirely sure what the biopsy testing entailed, seems like they looked at the villi mainly.
  2. Basically, I have done food diaries and from what time could tell, since elementary school, gluten has caused my to have gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. the incident that brought me to get tested for celiac was when I have severe abdominal cramps to the point I couldn’t even stand up or walk, paired with several rounds of diarrhea. The amount o...
  3. I stumbled upon this thread and I’m glad I did. This is the anti-body that was elevated for me as well, but they said biopsy was negative. Do you know what other gastrointestinal disorders will also show a high igG gliadin result?
  4. They called and said negative and then I asked if everything was completely normal or did they find anything, and she said “some inflammation”. Can you help me understand what this means? Does that mean I scored 0 on the Marsh scale? I tried calling them back but they are a pain to get a hold of. I did schedule a follow up though.
  5. I’m am not a doctor but I think that’s pretty indicative of celiac. Your marsh scale may have only been 1 because it’s a new development. How long have you had symptoms for?
  6. Is a marsh score of 1 considered negative? I thought any damage indicated positive for celiac
  7. So I really thought I had celiac bc I have had VERY severe reactions from what would have been trace amounts of gluten (on the floor unable to walk with bad abdominal cramps and rounds of diarrhea for hours). In general, gluten seems to upset my stomach, although not always to that degree. Blood test showed very elevated IgG gliadin antibodies. ...
  8. Does normal mucosa rule out celiac (or mostly rule out) or is that unrelated to celiac diagnosis?
  9. I think the ranges might be different. According to my ranges, everything g is normal except for gliadin IgG which is very elevated (like 3 times elevated I think)
  10. The thing that’s confusing to me is the cross system issues I seem to have, like why is an intolerance throwing off my reproductive hormones and my bladder? Also notice depression/anxiety/ brain fog and back pain and fatigue. Aren’t those characteristic of autoimmune issues?
  11. It’s totally possible I don’t have it, maybe more than likely given my blood work and no real deficiencies but all other bowel diseases seem like they would have a wider array of trigger foods than just gluten so that’s why I’m so confused Could be! Just seems to be an intense intolerance if my body can react that much to such a small amount. I figu...
  12. Persistent GI issues that only go away when not eating gluten going back to elementary school. I seem to have severe symptoms to just small amounts (and this has been placebo tested, 3 times in the past year I was told something was gluten free, ate it, was on the floor with cramps for hours and had diarrhea, and then found out after looking closer at the...
  13. So the 368 is the IGA number? if so, the cut off is 400, so while in the normal range, that definitely seems to be on the high end of normal. Is it possible I didn’t eat gluten for long enough?
  14. I guess I’m confused about if this is testing IgA or igG because it has both in the name
  15. What is this test specifically looking at (if you know?) IgA w/reflex to Tissue Transglutaminase IgG Ab What is this test specifically testing if you happen to know? IgA w/reflex to Tissue Transglutaminase IgG Ab
  16. Okay well there should at least be some damage then even if it’s not extreme
  17. I’ve been gluten free for 2 years, then ate for 5 weeks prior to bloodwork and it will be 6 weeks for endoscopy. Should that be accurate?
  18. Bad GI issues that seemed only tied to gluten from what I can tell, and fatigue. Possibly some Weight loss but that could just be because of the diarrhea. Yellow poop when eating gluten. Anxiety and depression that gets better off gluten. Some bloodwork suggesting a potential liver issue with no history of liver problems and no obvious risk for liver issues...
  19. Now I’m wondering why the doctor ordered an endoscopy
  20. Thank you for explaining! Wish I had asked more questions on the phone
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