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  1. I have an appointment to see my doc next week to discuss the results, and would like to know if I should ask for a celiac blood test, and if that could possibly be connected to this in some way. I think I will ask for one regardless, because I have many other symptoms which is what led me here. You guys are great btw, thanks so much for the replies...
  2. My creatinine by itself is 0.73, which looks like it falls within normal range.
  3. These are my test results, if this helps anyone out pertaining to my situation- FUrea Nitrogen (BUN) is 4, reference range is 6-19. FBUN/Creatinine Ratio is 5.5, reference range is 10-28. FChloride is 97, reference range 98-108. So as you can see, the Creatinine/BUN ratio was the lowest. Does this help give anyone an idea what I’m dealing w...
  4. Hello, First time posting here. I am a 40 year old female, and have been suspecting for a while now that I may have celiac disease, or at least some level of gluten sensitivity. (I have never brought it up to my doctor, however.) A few days ago my pcp did some bloodwork on me, and I saw the results on their online patient portal but it says my doc...
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