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Nick Cheruka

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Nick Cheruka

  1. Stay Strong💪It is not something I would wish on anyone. We are in this together, your not alone so please don’t feel that way! I know 20yrs ago I did and no one seemed to know anything about Celiacs me being one but especially GI Dr’s so I ended up going to a group of Celiac Specialist in Charlottesville Va called UVA they were incredible! Dr. Shelia Crowe ...
  2. 20+yrs diagnosed in 2005 at age 35 I am 53 going on 54 God willing!🙂
  3. Hi Jane07, Yes if I were you and worked in kitchen preparing meals as well as serving them on a continuous daily I would assume all day basis at least 8 hrs or more I being Celiac would wear food handlers gloves and also a mask to cover your nose and mouth to eliminate inhaling anything gluten that could get airborne such as wheat flour and any kind of flour...
  4. You can inhale microscopic gluten particles that get airborne you can’t even see that if your a Celiac could cause a reaction to it! Were you touching the bread, butter and whatever other foods you handed out without food handlers gloves? If so you risk absorption through your skin as well!
  5. Jane07 My first question are you Celiac or Have a Non Celiac Gluten Allergy? If yes to either you should be on a gluten-free Diet. Thats without ingesting Gluten of any kind as well as you should avoid handling anything containing Gluten. If you do have blood tests for Celiacs while consuming Gluten then yes your blood work will come back showing it! If you...
  6. Thank you for backing up what I wrote Scott Adams I just wanted her to know!
  7. There are MRE’s meals ready to eat that are adding some gluten-free options but very few and it’s not intended for Celiacs just anyone wanting to avoid it as fad, or so called diet not because of Celiacs! Celiacs alone is a disqualification to join any branch, Army, Navy, Air force and Marines and I believe the U.S. Coast Guard as well!
  8. Also whoever your so called friend or friends are that told you that are wrong for doing so! Lets just say you did slip by and get in and they don’t for whatever reason find your medical records which they will, what would you eat in there as they do not provide gluten-free anything.
  9. If your diagnosed Celiac then make sure you tell them this up front! They want to know they can depend on you to be honest and if you didn’t tell them and for some reason you did get in, once they find out and they will! You will be dis-honorably discharged and loose everything including your integrity in yourself and it may hurt your chances for future e...
  10. Celiacs Disease will disqualify you from joining any form of our Military in the U.S.! This is something thats becoming more prevalent with prior enlisted members being diagnosed while in the military after joining or even serving 15-20+yrs this is because of the non available gluten free food in the military however some enlisted or prior like yourself that...
  11. MSG is an Excitotoxin that damages cells not good and has been known to cause death! What do you mean by full blown gluten? Do you mean your a diagnosed Celiac or have a gluten sensitivity?
  12. The only things that would contain gluten in your case of your kitchen would be anything food wise that may have Wheat, Barley and such! Your utensils, refrigerator, cabinets and so on are not food items so you can’t get gluten from housewares and so on! Celiac diagnosed in 2005 gluten-free for almost 20 years! Please look up what is Gluten? It is a protein f...
  13. Hi Knitty kitty, thank you like I mentioned I did the research on it immediately upon reading your comment and found the B1 issue related to CAD and read up on it! I will pull up my latest labs to see what my B1 levels are! I am however taking not only 1000mg of B12 daily but also a B-Complex and a Multi-Vitamin as well! I do appreciate you and everyone on...
  14. Hi Knitty Kitty, yes I have researched my heart condition Coronary Artery Disease but not Thiamin? I’m looking that up now! Why do you ask?
  15. Never mind Trents, I researched it myself and you are correct not saying you weren’t I have Gastro Dr’s and Celiac Specialist that know of my use of Aspirin for my heart and never said a word about the NSAD use flattening villi and I also have had multiple Cardiologist that know I’m Celiac that recommended the aspirin for my heart! We as Celiacs can’t get...
  16. Where has it been shown that NSAID’s flatten Villi? I’m a Celiac of over 20yrs and this is a new one to me! I take a 81mg aspirin a day per my Cardiologist and Advil occasionally for a head ache or back pain! Can you produce your proof here Trents? It would be appreciated!
  17. Thank you! I appreciate the info on Xanthan Gum I was not aware of the affects it can have on our digestive system or what it is made up of until now!
  18. Trent I read in your replay Xanthan Gum is a common offender found in many gluten-free products? Can you elaborate on this! As it is in Schar’s ingredients claiming to be gluten-free!
  19. Yes as a matter of fact I have and just recently! I use schar gluten-free Sandwich Rolls, Ciabatta Rolls and have tried there snacks like Sch’nacks snack cakes and have found a similar reaction as ingesting Gluten! I am a Celiac of over 20+ yrs and normally make everything at home or my wife does for the most part but we both make sure everything we use i...
  20. Well let me start by saying I hope you don’t sneeze in or on anything food included😁thats what cover your mouth is for(not to spread your germs or virus’s and to protect your food and everybody else from your sneeze/germs and your food as well! So if you by chance don’t cover your mouth when you sneeze which I hope you do, if not now maybe you will in the f...
  21. Hi I can relate to what your going through, been there done that old saying! I got diagnosed with Celiacs over 20 yrs ago and it took over 4 yrs back then with Dr’s, GI’s and Specialist to get the answer of Celiacs Disease! It is a life long Gluten Free lifestyle that has gotten me healthy again! It has not happened over night by any means! I had to be str...
  22. Hi, I hope this helps! I would imagine ingesting the burning wheat and or barley have the same effects on celiacs as if you were to breath in airborn wheat or barley! I found these but couldn’t upload the whole story! If you google does burning wheat smoke or burnt barley smoke affects celiacs! Good Luck☘️
  23. Hi, hopefully the biopsy sheds some light on this situation for you! I am going to say from prior experience of being a diagnosed celiac for over 20yrs by bloodwork, biopsy and genetic testing that being gluten-free for 2-months prior to your endoscopy with only 1 week of ingesting gluten your doctor should have probably advised you to be consuming gluten...
  24. Started the B-Complex today! Hopefully it helps! Thank you for the info Knitty Kitty☘️
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