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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by linko

  1. Hi everyone, It's now been over a year since getting tested for celiac, an endoscopy/biopsy, and going gluten free. I have new information so I thought I would update for anyone coming across this at any time and find it helpful. And I have a few questions in case anyone might know. Here are my newest test results for the 4th blood tests taken...
  2. I did the 23andme genetic testing, which showed I have the variant of a celiac carrier. That can be another data point in a diagnosis of celiac, though not a way to diagnose it. If one's a carrier, then the chances are higher of having it. My GI doctor mentioned genetic testing can help add a data point if I wanted to do that, which I had already been thinking...
  3. @Wheatwacked Thank you for that about iodine, that's the first time I've seen anything linking low heart rate, feeling colder, and less sweat, all 3 I have had for a long long time. Although I have found those potentially linked to Gilbert Syndrome as well, which I have. I do eat the things they recommend for iodine on a fairly regular basis (eggs...
  4. I think you'r'e asking what the ranges are on the lab results? tTG-IGA says <15 not detected Immunoglobulin A IGA says 47-310 (mine is currently at 474)
  5. Hi everyone, It's been 4 months and I thought I would give another update for anyone who follows or finds this post. Overall I have had multiple symptoms completely go away after going gluten free and have not returned. I also got a 23andme genetic test and found that I do have a variant for celiac. - My brain fog has vastly improved since...
  6. There is more to taking iron than just iron, as people mentioned. There are things that help iron absorption (like vitamin c) and those that make it harder to absorb (like calcium). I haven't researched the one you mentioned, but see two brands with that name, both brands I like. I was trying MegaFoods Blood Builder, which has built in ingredients that...
  7. Hi everyone, Updating again for anyone following this. I saw the doctor. She said that my results were unusual with the normal biopsy, but that judging by the blood tests of being so high for the first test, then even my 2nd test still being above the normal range, and my symptoms being on and off gluten, it is very likely I have celiacs. The...
  8. Thank you everyone, this has been very helpful discussion and left me with some questions to bring to the doctor when I see them again soon. And confirmed some info I had read about. I'll try to update if I get anymore useful information from the doctor or anywhere else.
  9. Thank you everyone for the replies, they have been helpful. I'm curious about why the biopsy didn't pick anything up if I happen to have celiacs? He said that there were no signs of celiacs or early signs of it, as well as found nothing else (listed many things) and everything was normal.
  10. @trents, Thank you for the feedback, I'm including more info requested below. For the biopsy. I was eating enough gluten daily for that month. Before (on gluten - entire life): tTg-IgA: 247.6 U/mL (standard range: <15.0 Antibody not detected, > or = 15.0 Antibody detected) Immunoglobulin A: 500 mg/dL (standard range: 47 - 310 mg/dL...
  11. Hi everyone, I'm seeing a GI doctor initially for diagnosing celiacs. The biopsy came up negative, but I'm not certain of the results and questioning the doctors (long story of why). I'm going back to ask them questions and what else, if not celiacs, could be the issue. Does anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, things to ask the doctor, etc? Is...
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