Yes i would love that- that would be very helpful!
I’ve been taking betaine hci, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and a multivitamin. Not that i feel a significant difference when i accidentally miss a day or two of these supplements though.
Thank you for the replies!
I definitely think multiple nutritional deficiencies could be the cause of my symptoms, and i apologize for using the wrong terminology; i was diagnosed with perioral dermatitis and psoriasis, not DH!
I do think it’s far fetched to think my symptoms were caused by celiac disease but i did get a food intolerance test d...
Hello, I'm new here and was wondering if I could get some insights!
I've suffered from an eating disorder(anorexic binge purge subtype) for over 10 years and considering the amount of damage done to my stomach and my immunity as a result of repeated vomiting, I was wondering if this could actually cause celiac disease?
I began suspecting gluten...