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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Gidget50

  1. Oh I see..I thought that dextrose and Maltodextrin ingredients in all foods contained wheat. I do check all labels and if im not sure what the ingredients are I look it up. I've been avoiding foods that had these 2 ingredients, lol! So, I'll have more food choices now🤗🤣 Thank you Scott🙃
  2. To add to my above comment I had read that Dextrin and maltodextrin may contain wheat, so that was also supposed to be in my original message, sorry Scott🤗
  3. I have to also watch high fodmaps, and Dextrose and Maltodextrin was on that list to not have. I'm sorry I forgot to mention that🥴. So I'm just needing to know what sweetners are safe for both gluten and low fodmap diets.
  4. I've read many different items on Herr, but it was from 2005. I need to know what artificial sweetners I can use everyday to put on my coffee and bake with. I've always used Stevia but quit a few weeks ago bc it has dextrose with maltodextrin. Thank you🤗
  5. Great information and I thank you so much for the clarity.
  6. I've read a blog on here from 5 years ago that stated these were gluten-free but high on fidmap. But it was a different flavor and also not ready melts. Could anyone let me know if this current product is gluten-free and hopefully low of fodmap?
  7. Ok thank you that really cleared up things for me😁
  8. if an item states its certified organic, does that mean there is no monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, polyols also? I've read that these aren't good for me to have at all, now that I have celiacs ? ( I hope that info I've read was correct, since I've been eliminating it from everything I eat) Thank you!
  9. I'm sorry, I'm new on here and recently diagnosed. There is no writing on my Colace equate bottle from Walmart. The bottle doesn't state gluten-free.
  10. So, I've read about the 2021-2022 info about this product has misleading ingredients and there were lawsuits on this. I'm assuming products today are fine. But from many things I've read, I'm still unsure and skeptical as to if I can actually drink this. I just dont trust labeks anymore that say they are gluten- free with product has oat etc in it! Could...
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