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Kojacs mum

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  1. Thankyou you are just the most helpful and thoughtful bunch of people.
  2. Vitamins ordered. 3 for 2 at Holland and Barrett.... result! Can I still take the multivits with these ?
  3. The hardest part to all of this is, Im trying to figure it all.out on my own. Well, until now I feel armed and its worth more than any other thing you could give me. Thisvwhat I know for sure. My dead skin cells are coming off rapidly. Ive been exfoliating so there is no visable build up. Ive stopped that. Its hard to show evidence so Im not being believed...
  4. Ive always hated being on methotrexate. Its being reduced with a view to stopping. I was precribed it ten years ago when tge arthritis was out of control and it helped a lot but never really felt comfy with the risks. Thanks for that list of side effects. It will help when I phone tomorrow.
  5. Hello you wonderful.people, Managed to see someone today and got antibiotics in case my skin was infected. I felt immediatley better. So the chills, the sleepiness, the confusion i had been feelingvwas not me being exhausted. I was heading toward septic shock. I had another look at the thing wound thing down below its got bigger and has what thing might...
  6. Hi therr. Has any one heard of eurethraderma or sometimes called exfoliatve dermetitis. At the moment my dead skin is sheddingvrapdly. Im managing my symptoms and keeping my fluid up. Its an allergis reaction andv3 of the drugs i am are known to cause it. Once again the lovely scottish health service are not taking me seriously. So ive stopped all my meds...
  7. Ok. Lots of developments really quickly. Got to a point where i thought i was actually becoming psychotic. So i had a proper look at my bottom. Nothing really of note. Then had a look in my vulvic area and noticed an open wound around 5 cm in diameter. It had white stuff in it but it was dry to the touch and a little sensitive. Its near my eurethra. I just...
  8. Another thing i forgot. Ive told no one this for fear of dis believe. I thinknthe flaking skin blocked my anus. Ive been slow easing it out for the past 24 hrs. I just could face look of "oh no whats she imaging now" i clearef some of the bloating yesterday but just kept coming back. I couldnt burp it out qiuckly enough. Ive been on the toilet for half an...
  9. Forgot to say I takevfolic acid regularly when im taking methotrexate. I am also on cosentyx monthly. Thank you again do much
  10. I could cry thankyou so much. Im going to have a wee bit of toast each day and hope it doesnt affect me too much. Being beleived is the biggest thing I started to think that I was goinf mad. Ive done all the wrong things without knowing. Im not taking my arthritic meds right now. I dont really want to discuss that with my rheumy doctor until I know...
  11. I spoke my consultant about that when the gastric stuff started as id noticed it myself. But she said it wasnt a common thing. I really dont know whats causing my physical stuff. Ive stopped my methotrexate just for one week, im on another monthly biologic drug which also affects the immune system. Its difficult that no one is taking me seriously, not even...
  12. That sounds doable as i was eating pretty much a bread and pasta based diet. So hopefully if it does cause symtoms they are not as bad as recently Thanks once again
  13. Oh thank you so much for the reply. I have a doctors appointment in 2 weeks. I would like to try gluten free for a few days just to see what happens. And a respite from feeling like i do right now would be good. With the regular amounts of gluten for the test, is once a day enough? I will see how the next few days go and take it from there. I...
  14. Hi my name is Jane. I have a bit of a long story so please bear with me. Bit of info before I start, im arthritic prescribed methotraxate an immumosuppressant, i also have a long history of depression and anxiety. My anxiety has recently become much worse and its never been a predominant feature with me. Ive also lost a lot of weight recentlynwithout...
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