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  1. Thiamine? That might be possible. I had a blood test last week and everything was in range - red blood cells up to 150 from 80 but feel same symptoms. Dietician called today so I went and had another test (5 bottles) to determine: Tissue transglutaminases. Endomysial antibody. Haematinics: B12, Folate, Ferritin and Vitamin D. Trace...
  2. Interesting, most weeks I can drink below the govt recommendation limit 14 units, with approx 2 days off between drinking (only evening after food). Once my health returns I ideally want to cut down more . I'm bringing it up with the nutritionist on Tuesday. The only thing that didn't give me grief since diagnosis is that I have no craving for gluten...
  3. You are absolutely right there's days that feel like your back at zero, but really the progress is much greater on the chart. I have journals and a mind app that literally plots a mood chart 📉📈... it's kind of the only reference point that works right now.
  4. Thanks everyone that has commented. I called in work today to say I can't do this week and the foreseeable - it was very tough decision to make. I have a new general practitioner this week (could never get appointments with the previous one!) so will be raising a lot of questions about vitamins B12 etc, and a new blood test to assess. I had moments...
  5. The late puberty and small stature, 'young looking' could be describing me - I have a suspicion celiac was behind it. Most of my family were either average height or 6ft+ but I was the 2nd smallest kid in my year until about 16-17years. Mouth ulcers and dry mouth were also present since late teens. Hope you get your test soon, and discover a way...
  6. Forgot to mention I've also upped my Vitamin D, really covering every base! It's likely the mental issues and fatigue started about 20 years back (during what I assumed were "unexplained IBS symptoms") but the increase was so gradual that it masks the scale of the problem. Also it's hard to see a change in focus and mood when they actively muddy critical...
  7. I'm 38m I was diagnosed 27th of June after years of fatigue and bowel issues. Damage was clearly visible and rated Marsh 3b. Been strictly avoiding gluten since just before endoscopy (~25th June). Have severe anaemia 82g/ml and couldn't absorb iron in the following 3 months. I had an iron infusion 3 weeks ago today, and often feel worse than I did before...
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