@Cathijean90 It's pretty common to suffer from symptoms for a long time. I had symptoms for a decade before I was diagnosed and I think that is about average. The problem is the symptoms are often vague enough to be attributed to other digestive issues and that was the case with me. It was only after I found out I was anemic from routine bloodwork and...
@Raquel2021 My understanding is that incomplete healing by itself isn't entirely uncommon, especially in adults. For example see here: https://journals.lww.com/ajg/abstract/2011/01000/morphometric_evaluation_of_duodenal_biopsies_in.23.aspx
However if you're saying that your symptoms have also not improved much since the beginning of the diet, and that...
@Bindi the reason I asked about the antibody levels is because if they remain elevated after going on a gluten free diet then I think that typically indicates that there's still ongoing accidental gluten consumption. Do you know what the trend in your levels have been since you started the diet?
One thing you might look into is whether you have SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). That can cause bloating and it's fairly common in newly diagnosed celiac patients from what my GI doctor told me. I think I had it when I was diagnosed. It can be treated with either antibiotics or with probiotics according to Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia...
Sobiha that makes 2 of us, and it seems like there's a lot of confusion in this regard even among GI doctors. One doctor I went to wanted to do another upper endoscopy on me at < 6 months from diagnosis. But then I went to another GI doctor who specializes in celiac and he said there's no point doing another upper endoscopy until at least 2 years.