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OldNavyWife54 last won the day on October 31 2023

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  1. While I agree with Helen, in principle, not everyone has the time OR the ability due to life demands or disability/current health issues, to make everything from scratch. I didn’t receive my Celiac diagnosis until age 53, and that wasn’t for lack of trying on my part. But I immediately went on the gluten-free diet, and saw a great improvement in my ...
  2. Mostly if it was associated with IBS or in any way was generally irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. My Celiac wasn’t diagnosed until I was 53, so my gut has never completely healed. I just don’t want to further irritate it.
  3. Sadly I am aware of this. The whole issue is kind of a catch-22. I definitely will not use aspartame, because I can’t stand the aftertaste and because of its link to neurological problems. As I stated I don’t use much sweetener at all in general because I’m just not fond of sweet things, but some recipes do call for sugar and that’s definitely out for me ...
  4. I’ve had insulin resistance since the 90’s, but as I’m quickly approaching 70, I’m coming closer to this turning into Type 2 diabetes and am now being told that I’m borderline diabetic. I’m not overly fond of sweets in general and especially since I all but eliminated sugar from my diet close to two decades ago, but some recipes do call for it so I’ve bee...
  5. I know of 3 hospitals in central Virginia who clearly do not understand Celiac Disease. The first 2 (in Fredericksburg) I could almost excuse because they’re smaller hospitals, but the 3rd is a large university hospital in Richmond. I had outpatient surgery in 2015 and before I could be discharged I need to eat something. They noted that I have Celiac, a...
  6. My suggestion would be if the father felt there should be a regular cake, why didn’t he bake or buy one himself? Did he REALLY expect his wife to bake TWO cakes? A one year old wouldn’t know the difference, so arguing it was for the child is absurd. I would have told him to put on an apron & get to work if it was so important to him.
  7. Absolutely they were right! Celiac Disease should be view as any severe allergy is. I wasn’t diagnosed with celiac disease until I was 53. I then had genetic testing done that showed that I got it from both parents. Concerned for my 3 siblings, I advised them to get tested. Only my sister did, but her doctors advised her that being in her 60’s, a gluten-fre...
  8. If I had a dime for every doctor who told me I just had irritable bowel syndrome, I’d be a rich woman. I had started suspecting Celiac back in my 20’s, but my late husband was military so I was seeing military doctors. They wouldn’t even order the blood test, and just kept telling me it was only IBS. Celiac is so much more common than many would belie...
  9. I wasn’t diagnosed until age 53. It wasn’t for lack of trying (on my part) to get diagnosed earlier, but for me the “gold standard” blood test came back negative twice. At least that’s what the ordering doctors told me. But later when I went to a Naturopath, he ordered the blood test again, and said it wasn’t negative but a weak positive. Further testing rev...
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