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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by eekunique

  1. IgA 0.51 (range 0.34 - 3.05 g/L) So while in range - it's quite low. TTG 11.00 (range 0 - 20 U/m) TTG has been above range before (but only just) so carried on eating normally and this was test 6 months later. Lab wouldn't test EMA because TTG was normal which I find annoying as he's had positive EMA before. Dr says all normal...
  2. Yes IgA was tested in both and came back as 0.53 first time and 0.58 second time. Range 0.35-3.05). IgG was only tested the first time which came back as "equivocal" at 7.9 (Range: negative <7, equivocal 7-10, positive > 10) do you think the IgA is lowish? Or ok for an accurate result?
  3. Ah I didn't know this... Is it not as accurate for children?
  4. My son 8 year old had Ttg 14 (0-10) and positive endomysial. Joint pains and stomach ache. A month later retested, at this point in time he had no joint pains or stomach aches. Still eating same amount of gluten (diet not changed). Ttg < 2 and negative endomysial. Can anyone explain this? Could it be something other than coeliac? How...
  5. Thank you so much for this. Really useful to hear.
  6. Thanks. They did the endomysial too which has just come back today as positive. Seems a shame to have to do such an invasive test next on such a small human.
  7. just got results back for my 8 year old: Tissue Transglutaminase IgA * 14.00 U/mL (0 - 10) Deamidated Gliadin Abs (IgG) 7.9 Negative : <7 U/ml Equivocal: 7 - 10 U/ml Positive : >10 U/ml Will the NHS do further testing or will that be enough to assume Coeliac? Will they want to do an endoscopy on an 8 year old? He doesn't...
  8. I've never had sedation before. How long does it last? I've been told I'm not allowed to drive for 24 hours afterwards! How awful is the endoscopy? Any discomfort afterwards?
  9. Thank you. The most I'm managing is 3 and it's awful!!
  10. Do you know if time of day makes any difference to the TTG blood test? And what about whether you've eaten that day? I only ask as I'm also getting my TSH tested and I know it's important to do this first thing in the morning before eating. Thanks.
  11. I'm from the UK and did 23andMe to discover I have 2 coeliac genes. It took about 2 months to get the result. Maybe you could eat gluten sufficiently during this time and if it comes back that you have genes for coeliac then ask the Dr again for another blood test.
  12. Try taking out lactose. I have this and after years of pain I decided to try not eating lactose. It made an enormous difference. Lactose intolerance can be caused by coeliac disease because the enzyme to break it down is in the tips of small intestine. Lactose intolerance can also be caused by not having the gene to produce the enzyme. Either way the symptoms...
  13. Unfortunately with the NHS, the doctors are. They don't see patients as customers because it all gets paid through our tax. You're almost made to feel privileged to get an appointment in the first place. And then you have to work around the GPs egos as they hate you doing your own research. Totally different experience if you go private - which is pretty...
  14. Doctor! I only get it when on vacation somewhere very sunny.
  15. I would be getting the doctor to test her blood ferritin levels as well as B12 and vitamin D. They hardly ever test ferritin and you have to ask for it. The range is ridiculous (something like 30-250 but experts say levels should be at least 90 to feel ok. Mine are around 30 and I get the classic high five from the Dr that my bloods are all "normal". If she...
  16. I'm 41 and I've had the symptoms of celiac since I was about 8! "Diagnosed" with IBS at 15. I have a blood test in a couple of weeks. If I did have celiac from a young age, would I still be producing antibodies after 30 years?
  17. I didn't know this. Thank you. Looking it all up there's no way I ate enough gluten for the first tests. I'm obviously hoping for a negative test if the Dr allows me to have another blood test but it has to be accurate.
  18. Thanks, This is what I've thought the past 35 years but it wouldn't explain the lactose intolerance - nor the fact I have both genes which significantly increases my chances of having celiac disease. I've tried eating 4 slices of bread today... Hard going.
  19. Sorry I'm British and realized I spelt celiac the British way. And mum. I do know how to spell lol.
  20. I carry the gene for both HLA-DQ2.5 and HLA-DQ8. I have had stomach aches every day for all of my life, constipation, diarrhea, v.low unexplained ferritin I've had two blood tests for coeliac in the past (last one was 3 years ago) and both have come back completely negative. I cut out diary and my stomach aches went so I thought I must be...
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