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Solomon Wolf

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Solomon Wolf

  1. This is the first place I'm seeing people mentioning flushing of the face (blushing) as a symptom related to gluten. I ended up on a gluten free diet 2 years ago due to bloating and fatigue, and yet after few days I realized that I feel way more confident and my constant blushing mostly disappeared. Every doctor I mentioned this to, looked at me like I'm...
  2. I can relate to every word you detailed on your symptoms. I'm on a gluten-free diet and doing well since (besides when I'm accidentally consuming even a bit of gluten that I suffer Neuro symptoms for 2-3 days). I just wait and hope that there would one day be a discovery about an enzyme/supplement etc that could help break the gluten down and prevent the...
  3. I feel the same. Every time I accidentally eat gluten I'm getting social anxiety for about 2 days. My head feels heavy and overwhelmed and I'm easily blushing and sweating. I do not have Celiac Disease, just NCGS
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