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    Turkey, Antalya

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  • Scott Adams

    Scott Adams

Berkan's Achievements

  1. ttg-IgA 2 ru/ml ttg-IgG 0,04 ru/ml Anti-Gliadin IgA 2,27 ru/ml Anti-Gliadin IgG 35 ru/ml
  2. I just checked right now the IgA deficiency symptoms and I have them all... I guess I have %100 celiac, like I said i will go for a biopsy. Wish me luck, thanks yall for the help.
  3. I appreciate for the help. I guess I will go for the endoscopy/biopsy If my doctor lead me to it. Before that I will make sure that I'm eating gluten daily for 1 month. But I want to ask, it's been 8-9 years that I'm suffering with this illness, eating gluten all my life and how these tests getting so low with only 1 month glutenfree diet? Is it...
  4. It says below 20 is negative, between 20-30 weak positive and above 30 is positive. The doctor did only ttg-iga,igg and anti-gliadin iga,igg tests. It was only anti-gliadin igg 35 and all the others are normal range. I am having these stomach and gut issues like 8-9 years. I was on gluten-free diet for 1 month when the bloodtest is done. I hope...
  5. Hey! I just checked my results now before I go to my doctor appointment again and I just saw my Anti-Gliadin Ab.IgG is 35. but all the others are low. I had all the symptoms of celiac, that's why doctor wanted that. All I want to ask to you guys, is 35 something to concern?
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