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Dave Neff

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  1. Thanks so much Scott. If and when I get out of the hospital I intend to research iron producing products. I am going in the morning for a bone marrow biopsy. Hopefully there isn't anything else going on.
  2. I've had both an endoscopy and colonoscopy, nothing found. Next I'm assuming is the camera which I had done 4 years ago. I'm in the process right now of getting another unit of blood. I got 2 last night. I've lost count but it has to be at least 12 units since I was admitted January 8th (I think) I've lost count. I'm sure a lot of this is my own doing. I...
  3. Hello folks. I'm a 69 year old male with celiac. I am currently in the hospital for the 4th time since 2023. I have been here since January 7th and today I was told I need another unit of blood. This will be my 9th transfusion. When not in the hospital I receive iron infusions weekly. I have a team of GI specialists that say I'm bleeding internally although...
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