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Nicole boling

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  1. my results came in in one thing on there high. I was just curious if anybody knew what that meant.
  2. I had the immunoglobulin a done and these results were a mth after I quickly eating gluten and it’s high. Idk if this is what you meant the test that is?
  3. The numbers that are listen could mean celiac? I did call and he said that is another test they use for celiac but didn’t discuss results with me Like test results I mean by numbers. Thank you for your help.
  4. Oh ok so this means nothing then. I just need to wait for my celiac test to come in
  5. Hi, I had some celiac testing done part of it. It’s not back yet, but this came back as out of range. Can anybody help me figure out what this means it’s showing that I have information from celiac does that mean it’s celiac Immunoglobulin G - Result: 1177 - Reference Range: 600-1640 mg/dL - Out Of Range
  6. Hello, I have a question. Has anybody noticed that when they go gluten-free they become sensitive to corn for a while? How long does it take for your gut to heal?  I went gluten-free for four months and then I thought I was allergic to corns. I went back to wheat and stuff and then my PVCs and stuff kicked back up, and I started having like anxiety and stuff.  Because my allergy test showed I wasn’t allergic to wheat but I was to corn I can’t handle oats either. Can anyone help guide me what I should do. Blood test show I’m not allergic to wheat and skin prick test but I wasn’t eating it for 4 mths. 

  7. Hello I read your answer about absolute vodka is safe for celiac. Has it bothered you or is it still safe? Im Allergic to corn so can’t do stuff like that and I like absolute but wanted to make sure. Thank you for your time. 

  8. Just a quick question everybody is saying that absolute is safe for silly because it’s distilled so often a lot of people that have celiac tend to drink absolute and other liquors. I can’t drink Tito. I’m allergic to corn as well
  9. Hi I’m allergic to corn, I’ve noticed a lot of folks saying you can still drink distilled spirits because it gets rid of the protein that cause the reaction. So would Tito’s be safe? It’s distilled 6 times.
  10. I was not eating gluten. But was still having issues and really seems to be corn that bothers me and everything that is gluten free almost has corn. I did test positive for corn and negative for wheat.
  11. I was not now just everything that had gluten in it that I ate my heart would raise but everything that I ate had cornstarch in it and I was still having symptoms even going gluten-free, but I did test positive for corn allergy, which was five of six and the doctor said it wasn’t very high, but I was still showing symptoms of being to Gluten-free my symptoms w...
  12. They did blood work for wheat and gluten and skin pricking on my back. They also did blood work for celiac and the genetic testing. Which was all negative. But on the skin pricking it showed a 5/6 to corn and blood work showed no on maize. Corn starch really will set my heart off racing if I eat anything with it but seem fine if I have some things in the...
  13. Thank you. I honestly think it’s always been corn. But we’ll see and thank you so much an god bless
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