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javadesigner's Achievements

  1. That's a very good question. I don't know it's psychosomatic or not. Aroma by itself isn't going to cause a reaction. But maybe there are microscopic particles of wheat etc in the air near the bakery, so maybe if you smell aroma, that is corelated with inhaling/ingesting some wheat particles.
  2. As a quick followup, I'll also say: one might have a abrasion or a cut on their skin and they absorb gluten that way. My scientific point is gluten cannot be absorbed (under any circumstances) through intact healthy skin. Maybe you applied a cosmetic a few hours ago and didn't really wash your hands with the thoroughness required ? Maybe there...
  3. It is black and white though. It is physically impossible for any gluten sized protein to pass through the skin barrier. That would be like trying to fit a sherman tank through a pin hole camera. The super sensitive people are ingesting the gluten, even thoughtthey are claiming or think they are not. They are leaving traces of gluten on their hands...
  4. An ancedote about scabies: I'm a male with dermatitis herpetiformis, since age 27. Gluten free for 2 decades since then. This was way before it even became a mainstrean thing - circa year 2000 or so, there was no such concept or thing as "gluten free" on any food labels..anywhere. I was also misdiagnosed with scabies initially. Took years for proper...
  5. This is how misinformation is spread. I'm male, have had dermatitis herpetiformis since 27 (the classic late twenties presentation in males) and gluten free for 2 decades. You cannot absort gluten through the skin. Anything inside/near mouth (lipstick, toothpaste) you can absorb of course. But on the skip (soap, cosmetics, etc) cannot be asborbed...
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