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  1. Endoscopy shown flattened mucosa consistent with celiac. One problem that celiac seems to hit me with is inflamed intestines with lots of bloating, but I have never really gotten sick to my stomach. Maybe a little nauseous from time to time. I have read that many suffer from minor cross contamination my brother for example is celiac and does not really get...
  2. Thanks Knitty Your knowledge of the b vitamin is unreal. I don't recall ever having heard of the riboflavin influence on candida and look forward to a little more help in controlling the beast. Carbs are a problem for me particularly bread, rice and pasta. Worse was my addiction to refined sugar, however, pleased to report that I gave it up for the most...
  3. That might be true for a person with a normal appetite but mine is insatiable either because of gluten or candida or both. A sibo/candida diet is all about no carbs. Here is just a sampling of foods that one would never think to be on the list. Avoid starchy vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, all squash except zucchini...
  4. "What isn't clear to me is whether an endoscopy would or wouldn't help figure out which issue is causing your problems?" That is exactly what is not clear to me either. I guess I agree with help even slightly that I will probably go for it. Sometimes just talking it out helps clarify the issues. It would have been helpful if I could have done that with...
  5. Chances are high that I have both celiac and sibo. The herxheimer reactions over the years pretty much confirm candida overgrowth to me but can not say for sure that it's in the small intestine. Going gluten free will not be easy but something that I could and more than likely would do on its own but sibo clouds the issue. Getting rid of sibo with antibiotics...
  6. I am scheduled for endoscopy the end of May and concerned about small intestinal bacterial overgrowth's affect on villous atrophy. I would rather not go on a strict gluten free diet if sibo and not gluten is the culprit. I have had candida overgrowth trouble for many years even though the doctor pooh poohed it my very first office visit. Is it automatically...
  7. I grind up nuts, seeds and buckwheat and add some oatmeal, soak it over night in couple tbsp of kefir but yogurt or acv can be used that gets rid of some of the antinutrients and creates some probiotics. You could easily omit the oatmeal and still have a nutritious breakfast which is more healthful than just eating oatmeal, imo.
  8. Thanks Scott. Just wondered about the test. Really not much question in my mind as to whether I have it but I thought it would be cool if confirmed during test for celiac. The doctors I have seen over the years think I'm nuts when I ask about it so now I just go about my business.
  9. Did the b1 that you took come with calcium? I would just as soon take calcium if not necessary as my calcium blood level is fine. Also I mistakenly bot thiamin monontrate instead of hcl. Will hcl make a difference?
  10. I have long suspected that I have a yeast overgrowth/candida. I have never come across a dr who thinks it possible never mind do any testing. Can anything like sibo or candida be een during endoscopy.
  11. This article and your post a few days ago concerning thiamin is a big eye opener for me and I appreciate it. I already bought the b vitamins and wait for amazon to deliver the allithiamin variety. I would luv luv to overcome this irregular heart beat and the hoarseness makes me sound older than I am when it takes over. The inability to concentrate and get...
  12. My blood test showed probable celiac last Saturday and I started gluten free diet immediately that day. The good people of this community advised to stay on gluten foods til endoscopy scheduled for May 31. Could not do it earlier in May as I am leaving town for the month. So I was thinking of getting on cancellation list if opening pops up over next couple...
  13. Blue Roan, My hips started to hurt a couple yrs ago and got progressively worse until I could barely walk. One dr gave me a steroid injection to no avail and another suggested pain killers that gave minimum relief for the rest of my life. So I searched the web for possible solution. I bot a red light therapy panel for little over a $100 with the option of...
  14. I have a good chance of meeting those tight cross contamination parameters at home but how can any restaurant be trusted at that level. My brother who got celiac about the same time as you, follows a very strict gluten-free regimen, but is not overly concerned with cross contamination. I tend to take things more literal and am already worried about eating...
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