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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Celiac16

  1. @knitty kitty it’s hard for me to figure out what causes the reactions in multivitamins for me - I found out through individual supplements that I can’t do methylated forms - methyl folate and methyl cobalamin both gave me hives. It’s really tedious trying out each form of vitamin individually but I do taken b2 and b6 too for nausea/vertigo. I can’t tole...
  2. @knitty kitty yes I have tried higher doses - I think I’ve done 10 g hcl in a day a few times… I know in hospital for Wernicke they can give 500g injections which is obviously absorbed at magnitudes higher. Magnesium really knocks me out so I don’t take it (I could only take it at bed). I did supplement for a while but didn’t feel it helped. I’ve us...
  3. Thiamine supplementation (vitamin b1 ) really helped my POTS! I was also always having low blood pressure which it helped. Whenever I hear POTS, I suggest it bc my doctor says I’m borderline now and may no longer have it! I previously had mild acidosis in my labs with elevated anion gap and lactic acid with shortness of breath and severe wooziness. ...
  4. Going low carb helped me tremendously with postprandial bloating, fatigue, nausea, and sometimes vertigo. I was strict gluten and dairy free for years but I didn’t feel like it was enough. I eventually experimented eliminating grains and then cutting out all carbs and sugars and all my symptoms improved. I’ve been able to put on weight which was never pos...
  5. This may not be a welcome comment but I found cutting out sugars altogether helped me a lot. Ketosis is extremely therapeutic and ant inflammatory. I tried the specific carbohydrate diet and GAPS and found under 20 g carbs from green veges with high fat and moderate protein is the best diet for me. i was strict gluten and diary free for years without much...
  6. I second this!! I was diagnosed with POTS too and thiamine was a lifesaver along with going low carb (carbs and sugars deplete b1, and diabetics are ubiquitously deficient). It helped my vertigo, nausea, shortness of breath, and tachycardia that had me in and out of the hospital with mild acidosis. I was strict gluten and dairy free for years but continued...
  7. Oh my gosh I am reading my exact story… I just responded to a bunch of problems posts saying the same things… I do pretty much atkins too (under 20g carbs) which has been lifesaving in addition to thiamine. Symptoms are gradually improving, POTS isn’t as bad, and haven’t had the vertigo or nausea I had every time I ate. I think blood sugar may have be...
  8. I have also benefited from thiamine for lower leg neuropathy, trouble breathing, vertigo, etc. In addition to supplementing, I do low carb (under 20g) bc carbs and sugar deplete thiamine and I feel so much better not eating them. No more nausea Or dizziness after eating and I don’t have to sit up while I sleep to breathe. I am also putting on muscle when I...
  9. I wasn’t feeling great even after eating strict gluten and diary free for years. I eliminated grains which helped and then eventually adopted a low carb, high fat, medium protein diet that really helped. I think I was too focused on the celiac diagnosis, and kept going back to my go for colonoscopies and endoscopies that didn’t lead to anything (the drs did...
  10. @Manaan2 hi Manaan, this is going to sound very random but vitamin b1, thiamine, helped me with constipation. It can also cause anemia if low (so can other b vitamins so a b complex or multivitamin could help, probably a good safety net too). My pediatrician had me take a multivitamin when I was diagnosed as a kid too just to cover all the bases.
  11. @Gunnihi! I’ve had similar concern with diabetes symptoms despite negative testing. I was having trouble breathing at night… I felt so weak I had to prop myself up to basically sitting to be able to breath while sleeping. I did test with sightly out of range anion gap and lactic acid but both enough for doctors to do anything… I was also getting extreme verti...
  12. @PosterboyThanks for the article - it definitely helped when I was looking into thiamine and niacin for celiacs. Interesting too is that schizophrenia has been linked with undiagnosed celiacs and in orthomolecular therapy is treated like pellagra with high dose niacin. I have supplemented with both and have benefited from them… they are kind of counterparts i...
  13. i am trying a low carb (20g or less) diet (high fat and protein) and i feel a lot better. I was also getting nausea and dizziness after eating before and I don’t with the diet.
  14. Thanks @Scott AdamsYes I alternate between forms just to experiment. I definitely agree that there are probably a variety of nutrients I am probably lacking too. I forgot to mention @Sultana that I also experienced symptoms of acidosis that resolved with continuous thiamine supplementation- my bloodwork showed slightly elevated anion gaps (sign of acidosis...
  15. I have found similar benefits from thiamine. I was diagnosed with celiac at 16 and never really recovered despite strict gluten and dairy free diet and no detectable antibodies on checkup bloodworks. I’ve tried stopping the b1 but start to feel bad again- I wanted my doctors to do more extensive testing for the different thiamine transporters and enzymes w...
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