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  1. Also, it never even occurred to me to say "I'm a celiac." It's something I have, it's not "me."
  2. Wow! I just discovered your books and videos today. I was diagnosed with celiac many years ago. I've had bad experiences with every doctor I've ever had. Every doctor that I've ever been to has said some variation of "Oh, yeah, celiac. Don't eat wheat." And nothing else. And that includes the doctors who diagnosed me (one by blood test, one by biopsy...
  3. I suppose I should also introduce myself. My name is Steve. I was first diagnosed at age 14, by an allergist. She did not use the word "celiac." What she said was "Don't eat wheat at all, ever." I was not told about the effects. This was before the internet, and before any "Gluten-Free" foods were available. I went to the library and read cookbooks...
  4. I agree. The warning about shared equipment is vague, but the implication is clear: They are not sure. So the responsibility is on me.
  5. Welcome. I ate at restaurants and people's homes for many years after I was diagnosed, and I felt bad a lot. For years. I considered it cheating, but it was not worth it. Restaurants and friends may mean well, but they're correct when they tell you that they can't guarantee anything. I had a girlfriend who would get angry when I looked at ingredients...
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