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Femke last won the day on May 13 2024

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  1. I did a gluten challenge. I ate bread yesterday. I immediately felt horrid. Depressed, fearful, angry. I also had the weirdest night terrors and "day terrors" (delusions). They were do awful, that I am still terrified. How do gluten impact your dreams?
  2. Guys, I really need some encouragement to get through this. A few days longer on gluten-free and I’m very depressed again. I feel it isn’t unrealistic. It is rather the brain fog lifting and me seeing the reality of my situation again. I’m factually in a very tough situation. I feel gluten kind of drugged me to not feel that. I am not sure ...
  3. Uh. @&€!&. I just had French fries from a local place. They had no gluten. But I notice a response. My belly hates me again. It always does, but now I notice the difference. Turns out frying in oil that had gluten snacks before is also a problem.
  4. Thanks! That was useful. I decided on a very gradual approach to a healthier diet. I quit gluten but eat as much gluten-free bread and other carbs as I like. This already helps majorly. My mood is stable. I have felt so angry for a long time and blamed the bad situation and ptsd and myself. But I’m mostly calm and collected. Next step w...
  5. It is worse than normal. Both the withdrawal and the response. I’m staying near a toilet (sorry tmi) and I’m nauseous. My brain fog is back. But my mind is no longer screaming to kill myself, which is kind of pleasant, for me and others.
  6. Not sure what to do. I was getting very depressed and angry. Suicidal. I’m in a crucial moment of big decisions. Crashing is not an option at this moment. I ate gluten. My depression and anger lifted somewhat. But nearly immediately all my GI symptoms played up again. I’m in pain and have other issues too. The response is ver...
  7. I quit gluten and experience some betterment of issues. But my mood is weird. It feels like benzo withdrawal. With waves (severe depression and anger). And windows (moments I feel more calm and relaxed than I did in ages). I spent today experiencing this up and down several times. Do people recognise this? When did it get better? Was something...
  8. Sorry for suffering that. Could be a false negative or non celiac gluten sensitivity. For myself I dont think pots. I rather think of a problem with histamine/mast cells. I have also got very low iron, that increases such problems. I have very weird fluctuations, where I am fine, then a food or smell triggers a weird physical/emotional response...
  9. Thanks. Yes I think it’s rather that. I read that the celiac blood test has a 10% or so chance of missing celiac, especially milder variants. But eating gluten-free is eating gluten-free. Whatever the reason, it helps. I do feel I should seek a stricter elimination diet still. Because there’s still flare ups of my belly pain and depression aft...
  10. I thought about it. And I will not be retested. I’ve been on and off multiple times. And my GI issues are just better without. Im also more clearheaded. And while there’s moments of depression, there’s clarity and waves of peace of mind, that I do not know when eating grain.
  11. Not sure I had that much. I would hate going back though. My belly pain is less. My clarity is better. And I have a weird aversion of going back on gluten. I crave it, but also feel weird aversion.
  12. https://www.beyondceliac.org/research-news/can-you-trust-negative-blood-test/
  13. Thanks. I was not gluten-free at the time, or extremely low gluten. It was a blood test. My only clue is a rather immediate (2-3 days) bettering of my ibs and lifting of brain fog when I quit. Every time.
  14. I have a whole lot of issues that can partly be explained by trauma. But I feel there is a physical problem too. I have ptsd, psychosis, brain fog, mood problems, fatigue, executive disfunction, ibs, pms, myoma, anemia, etc. I have intuitively said I was dairy and gluten intolerant for years, but nobody would believe me. Even I didn’t because t...
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