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  1. Fiddle-faddle, I think it's good that you haven't bothered with enterolab because he can't tell you anything that you don't already know. Gluten makes you sick! You don't need to pay 400 bucks for him to tell you that. He can't tell you if you have celiac,colitis, crohn's, cancer or anything for that matter! All he can tell you is that gluten disagrees with you, but you knew that or you wouldn't be looking at his website. A person's best bet is to go to a real medical doctor and get checked out to see why they feel so bad. If everything comes up negative,then by all means try going gluten-free. You don't need him to tell you that.

  2. I personally have no respect for Dr. Fine whatsoever. I feel he is lining his pockets at the expense of those he swears he is helping. People who are sick and seeking answers. I feel he has violated the oath he took as a doctor to first do no harm. He does do harm when people put their faith in unproven tests and delay seeking proper medical treatments. His tests do not diagnose celiac. What if what you have is colon cancer and you waste 6 months to a year trying a gluten-free diet? You could die!


  3. A GI celiac specialist gave a talk at our local chapter recently. He said that true sprue was very rare.

    That's interesting. When I was diagnosed my gastroenterologist told me I was only the fourth real and true case of sprue he had ever seen in all of his career. Then he said one had died. I took that last statement to mean it was very important to follow the diet.


  4. I'm home. Thank you for all the prayers and good wishes.

    There was a lot more wrong with my colon than just diverticulitis. I also had bleeding ulcers and it was extremely twisted. It really did need to come out right away. Hopefully I'll be a lot more comfortable now. I really should have been worried about pain, because right now that's my biggest problem. :lol: That and just trying to eat food again. At least I didn't have an ng tube.

    The hospital did do a good job with the gluten-free food. I just wasn't real interested. They made sure it wasn't contaminated in any way. The bread was served in it's own little foil packets all warm and toasted. However it was extremely boring plain food. I'm so glad to be home.


  5. Oh wow... How could I have forgotton about homemade chicken soup? I've gotton a lot of good suggestions here. I really appreciate the help.

    I'm not looking forward to starving, that's for sure. I think that might just be the worst part. :lol: I hope!

    I'm off to the store to buy my lovely liquid diet and to look for a few of the things you have suggested.

    Thank you for the help and the good wishes. :D


  6. My sigmoid colon is being removed. I have a pretty bad case of diverticular disease, and there's no other way to make it better. My last colonoscopy showed continued infection and swelling, so it's safer for my to go the surgical route than to play the waiting game. Besides, I'm always cramped up and looking for bathrooms . :( I'm just not feeling well.

    I could use some suggestions for soft easy to digest gluten-free foods as my colon is expected to go into shock and not want to function for awhile. This is the part that worries me, not the pain. I can live with pain.

    I have to do another one of those doggone bowel preps again! Liquid diet Wednesday and Thursday. :(

    Good grief! I really am worried!!! The surgeon says he's not worried at all, snip, snip, it's a piece of cake :lol:

    Wish me luck and maybe say a prayer or 2 for me.


  7. Ask for B12, MMA, Folic Acid, Ferritin, Vit D along with the standard CBC. This is a good start and he should feel comfortable with ordering these. Also ask for a full Thyroid panel while you are at it: FREE T4, FREE T3, TSH and both antibodies.

    I was extremely low in vitamin A as well as D, folic acid, b12 and iron. So don't forget about A. It's a common deficiency in celiac.


  8. Hey, I discovered that weight watchers frozen Santa Fe rice and beans dinner is now marked gluten-free at the bottom of the ingredient list. Some of the older ones aren't marked yet, but the ingredient list seems to be gluten-free also. I've been eating these for a while now, so I was pleased to know that I was right about the ingredients. It does make a quick something to eat. Especially lunch. 310 calories,if you're counting them :lol:


  9. I can usually find a car that fits me. Right now, I'm driving a HHR. I love this car! The seats are completely adjustable. My last car was a Grand Am. I did well with that one too. The seat adjustability has improved so much since I started driving so many years ago. I learned to drive on 1969 buicks. I used 2 thick seat cushions. I don't need anything like that now. No, I didn't get taller, cars got better.

    Awwww shoot, there I go about cars again. It comes from living in GM territory. Grandpa was an engineer at Buick city. Dad worked at Chevrolet in the hole.( thats what its called), dh retired from Delphi.


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