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My chronic lower left abdominal pain turned out to be diverticulitis. It always hurts. And then it got to be severe.
It's my fault it got so bad. I blamed it on the celiac. I was wrong.
My son is 28 and already has diverticulosos. So if you think you are too young. think again.
You probably should have a colonoscopy.
My endocrinologist told me that she is now routinely testing all diabetics for celiac/gluten intolerance, as she sees them together so frequently. My blood sugar (I was "pre-diabetic") came down on the gluten-free diet, even though I was having tons of carbs.
What about brown rice flour, gluten-free oats, teff, sorghum, and ground flax seed in place of both wheat and refined white rice flour? That way, you might be avoiding the worst of both possibilities.
My blood sugar has entered the pre diabetic ranges on the gluten-free diet. I had to cut back on all the goodies!
If my test is bad, I'll make some changes.
As far as I know type 2 diabetes is not associated with celiac. My mother was type 1. She died with all the complications a diabetic can have. It broke my heart and I never got over it. She was 55.
As far as my non gluten-free kitchen goes, I will know soon enough if I've made a mistake. My new Dr. is running a ttg. I had a lot of diarrhea with my diverticulitis attack and she wants to check for compliance to the diet.
I do think it isn't right to feed a diabetic refined white rice flour. Even with artificial sweeteners, it's just too much carbohydrate for him! Sorry, but whole wheat grains seem to be healthier for him.
I'm not the only one that matters around here.
I don't keep a gluten-free kitchen. My dh has a pretty severe case of type 2 diabetes and all the rice flour products are just not good for his blood sugar. Too refined! I keep a variety of whole grain breads and wraps for him. I love him dearly and I want to keep him for as long as possible.
We do usually have a gluten-free supper with either potoaoes or brown rice, plain meats, veggies, and salad. If he wants,he substitutes a serving of whole grain bread for the rice or potato.
I'm praying for you blessings.
I don't at all believe that digestive enzymes are snake oil. I have taken them on occasion. My Dr. prescribed them and wrote me a prescription for them to see if they would help my sluggish digestion. They are much cheaper that way and you know what you are getting. I was never told they would help if I was glutened. I still have to be gluten-free.
Hi neesee--
What a week! Hope you recover quickly
Thank you Patti. I'm sure I will.
Awww.... thank you Judy and Celiac mommy.
I have to say, even though was really bad, I feel so loved! My family is the best! My little poodle babies too! I thought the were going to drown me with kisses when I got home
I spent the past week in the hospital. I thought I had been glutened! It was acute sigmoid diverticulosis. The Drs. found it in the cat scan. I was in so much pain! I had IV antibotics for 7 days and now I'm on oral antibiotics at home. I don't think I'm out of the woods yet. I need a colonoscopy in 4 to six weeks to see how damaged I really am. The doggone surgeons kept hanging around talking about colostomys. Oh well such is life. One way or the other, I will survive.
On the plus side, when they decided I needed some solid food, the dietitions did a great job feeding me a perfect gluten-free diet. When they get a celiac patient, they run right out to the store and buy any specitality items they need. I was impressed.
My potassium is still low, and my iron is low too. I think they put potassium in my Iv 4 or 5 times as well as magnesium and phosphorous.
I'm pretty week and run down right now.
I hope everyone else had a better week. Remember to eat your fiber!
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Fresh pineapple makes me feel like my stomach is digesting itself. I'm fine with canned pineapple.
I haven't been to a Taco Bell for well over 20 years. That's how much I trust the place.
Did the pathologist say he saw blunted villi? Or was that what the gastroenterologist said he saw. It's always been my understanding that damage is microscopic and can't be seen with the naked eye. That's why the pathologist makes the final diagnosis. Maybe you should get a copy of the pathologist's report.
If it were me, I would give the gluten-free diet a try for a while anyhow. You could be non celiac gluten sensitive. A lot of people are.
Here's some info on digestive enzymes that I think comes from a pretty reliable source. Open Original Shared Link
Oh and Rachel, I don't think you're a shill and Im sure you don't have a connection to unclezack.
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I believe he has accomplished his goal here. In my opinion, he's collected a pretty good little following. It doesn't matter if he stays here now or not.
It is my understanding that the only known viable treatment for celiac and non celiac gluten sensitivity is the strict adherence to the gluten free diet.
I also believe it is the forum's responsibility to protect the gullible ones among us from those who seek take advantage and sell us things that just don't help.
I use a technique EVERY TIME I buy new food or products (shampoo/soaps, etc...) that has literally saved my life. I have gotten so good at it that I can tell if my body will reject something just by holding it in my hand (if I will have a huge reaction). It is called muscle testing. This ancent and proven techique works with the energy of the food or product and your body's energy, so don't worry about packaging.
1) hold the product up to the center of your chest (what ever arm is most comfortable)
2) put your other arm out straight to the side, make it stiff, but not too stiff
3) have a person push down on your extended arm, lightly, but enough to give it push down--don't resist too hard, but see if you can resist
4) then put the product down and repeat the process with nothing in your hand--was there a difference?
If your arm goes down while holding a product to your chest, you cannot tolerate that product. You will begin to see if your arm is weak or not, this is muscle testing. You can also hold the a product up to your chest and clasp your thumbs/pointer fingers together to make a chain. If you can brake the chain, you are weak, and shouldn't have that product. If you are strong, it is fine. I don't like this method as much, not quite as reliable for me, but I use it if no one is around to push my arm down.
My husband (the biggest skeptic in the whole world) tests me regularly, especially when I am going through a spell of feeling bad--we use it to figure out what I shouldn't have. I tried a new vitamin without testing it and began feeling awful, but we couldn't figure it out, then we tested me on it and I could barely hold my arm out straight with the box up to my chest.
Hope this helps someone!
I prefer to read the ingredient list. It's always worked for me.
i actually went to a gi doc beacause i had constant gas which my wife and coworkers didnt appreciate, its kinda a joke at work now .i tell them i have a medical, but the doc hit it on the head 2 mins into interview. i had blood work and scopes and both came back positive. no one else in my family has been tested ,but im convinced my dad and younger brother has it.neither will get tested.
I hate to be blunt but if you stink, you do have symptoms! It's just foolish not to follow the diet. Your health will decline. It might take time, but you will possibly do irreversible harm.
It's pretty common for all young children to catch a lot of colds. Celiac and non-celiac alike. Open Original Shared Link
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what i should rephrase myself lol. should i just skip eating that day or just eat? i was just diagnosed with this. so i am getting used to it. the concert is in pittsburgh and the mellon arena has crappy food. i may just stop at eat n park after. i agree some the singing will stink.
Personally, I don't eat if I want to count on my gut behaving. Good luck!
are the symptoms for gluten intolerance the same as the symptoms for celiac?
I don't know about gluten intolerance but this is what celiac did to me.
I weighed 78 lbs
My cholesterol was 96. 20 yrs later it's around 150
I had megaloblastic anemia
I had diarrhea day and night, never a break, didn't matter if I had eaten or not
I had cracks at the corners of my mouth, I still have a scar on the right side
I got to the point I couldn't eat. It hurt so bad. I felt too full
My heart felt like it was stopping. It terrified me.
I smelled awful, stinky gas all the time , so embarrasing!
I was hospitalized for about 2 weeks. When I went home I was taking 50,000 Ius of Aqua-sol A, 50,000 Ius of Drisdol, 1 mg of folic acid 3 times a day, zantac twice a day and xanax to help me cope and relax and try to eat.
I had shots of B12 for a while. The iron hurt my stomach. I couldn't take it.
It took more that a year for me to start to gain weight and believe that I was going to live. I feel like I lost me. I'm no longer outgoing and socializing is agonoy for me.
Oh and i forgot to say I'm 4' 10.5 " tall and I wear size 2.5 shoes. I guess I didn't grow either.
We decided to do the biopsy and it was positive for celiac!
We have been gluten free for two weeks. My son's appetite has improved soooo much. His poop looks better, still soft, and he only pooped once yesterday.
I'm greatful to have an answer.
Hi Rain, I'm glad you have your answer. Now your son will get better. I would have gone for the biopsy too.
Gluten is not alive. It is not a virus or bacteria. Therefore using bleach to clean things that have gluten on them is useless.
Scrubbing is what gets the gluten off. Using soapy water and a scrubber will get gluten off smooth surfaces. Adding bleach to the water will have zero effect on the gluten. But it is poisonous to us. Personally, I would NEVER use bleach in my dishwater, for fear it would make me sick.
I have salad bowls like that one. They do have a coating, so if there truly are no scratches on it, I would think it is safe if washed well and scrubbed with one of those scrubbers that is supposed to be safe for dishes (obviously not one out of metal, or one of the harsh ones).
I know they use bleach in the dish water at Burger King. It's a requirement there. My dd is a BK manager. Boy, that bleach water is hard on her hands, especially in the winter when she works on drive-thru.
The Gluten-free Kitchen
in Coping with Celiac Disease
Bless you Peter. I needed your help on this one! I've been trying to find articles on the subject.
Dh says I've been on the computer long enough today.
Good night all