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  1. Neesee, I think you've misunderstood. The analogy to rat poison isn't suggesting that the rest of the world will get if they eat gluten. But many, many celiac sufferers are terribly sick for days, even weeks, even from a small amount of gluten. To them, it is literally a poison, and for them to knowingly eat "just a little bit" is the same as their consuming rat poison.

    I am not one of those--but I totally understand the analogy.

    Fiddle-faddle, I not stupid and I'm not misunderstanding anything at all. I just don't agree with refering to gluten as poison.

    Say I tell my grandson that gluten is poison and grandpa is sitting at the table eating a sandwich or maybe even pizza! How do you suppose he will feel about this? It isn't good for him to hear things like that. I don't believe it's a good idea to put that kind of fear in him or in others who may not understand what you really mean.

    I actually do get sick if I eat gluten. You can't have classic celiac and not react. I brush it aside and make sure I do better so it won't happen again. I've been at this for so long now I sometimes forget how tramatic it was for me in the beginning. My attitude about the situation is pretty good at his point. I don't give it a whole lot of thought anymore. It just kind of comes naturally to me now. I no longer worry about the diet. My memories of eating any other way are pretty dim at this point. I'm comfortable! I hope someday you all will be too. But not so comfortable you are careless of course. ;)


  2. :lol: This is funny. Instead of "rat poison" I like to use "dog poop."

    You don't eat it.

    You don't touch it.

    You don't eat anything that has touched it.

    You don't eat anything that it has touched.

    You don't eat with or cook with anything that has touched it.

    Etc. You get the idea.

    Dog poop has that ick and eeuwwww factor that people can relate to. :P


    This is really good!

    I like your analogy well enough to possibly share it with my young grandson if the occasion arises. This one won't frighten him!

    Gluten isn't powerful at all. It's just food for those who can tolerate it!


  3. I've seen it it written here and there that some compare eating gluten to eating rat poison. I've also seen it written that 1 in 133 people have celiac.

    Now, suppose we take 266 people and do an experiment. Lets say we feed 133 of them gluten. How many would get sick? Theoretically.1 should get sick.

    Now suppose we feed rat poison to the other 133 people. How many of these people do you suppose will get sick out of this group? Hmmmmmm?

    I don't really believe it's a proper analogy between the two. Gluten is only harmful to celiacs, not to the non-celiac majority.

    Gluten is not toxic poison to the majority of the world.


  4. Thank you for getting us back on track. We are all here to give and receive support. The last thing we need is to feel selfish for wanting to be healthy.

    I talked to my husband about this thread and he asked if he was doing enough to keep me safe and offered several suggestions on ways he could do even better. He has been wonderfully supportive while I have been going through this life altering change.

    Julie, I hope what you get out of this strand is that you are not selfish for wanting your own space. You deserve to live in a healthy environment where those around you care about your wellbeing. Do what you have to to take care of yourself physically and emotionally.


    I was trying to be supportive! Just because a person has celiac does not entitle them to be mean and nasty. People won't like you!


  5. I take Diovan and Toprol for my hbp and ischemia. I'm sure you could find something you can take. You have to get used to some of the side effects of medications sometimes. You need to get serious about your blood pressure!

    My son has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. He also has a posterior fossa sub arachnoid cyst and high blood pressure. I have no idea what caused his health problems. He's 28 yrs old with no health insurance!

    I sometimes wonder if I caused it, I was so low in folic acid.


  6. My husband is a type 2 diabetic. He doesn't scream and holler when someone brings in some sort of goodie that he can't have into the house. He deals with it.

    I don't think it is selfish to ask for space to keep yourself healthy, and expect the person you married to respect that for you benefit.

    The example given is very different from what was describe. You do not have guests coming into your home and putting sugary products into your husbands food. This is basically what Julie's husband and roommate are doing by using her cookware and cooking space.

    No, they put it right in his hands! Do you know how difficult that is for him? I think it's downright cruel. But the truth is they just don't seem to know any better. They figure a little won't hurt. Well, it does.

    Type 1 diabetes killed my mother! I can deal with celiac. Diabetes is much more difficult.


  7. Kindness and understanding go two ways. It seems to me that most of the people who post here are selfish and self centered. If I'm worried about crumbs on the counter, I put my food together on a plate. Problem solved! The world does not revolve around me because I have celiac.

    My husband is a type 2 diabetic. He doesn't scream and holler when someone brings in some sort of goodie that he can't have into the house. He deals with it.

    I've lived with a shared kitchen for 20 yrs now. I don't have any problems with it. Yes my dh and kids can be messy at times. I'm still alive and doing well. I love them all very much! I'm not going to spend my time with them chewing on them about the fact that I have celiac. Life is short. My mom died when I was 30. I miss her every day. I would never treat her the way you all say you treat your families. It's not their fault that you have celiac.

    Sometimes I think you are just mad at them because they can eat gluten. I'm happy for them. I wish I could eat it too, but I know I can't.

    I'm a classic celiac. I'm 4'10 1/2" tall. I weighed 78 lbs at dx. My cholesterol was 96. I could no longer eat anything at all. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks before they figured it out. When I was discharged I was on 50,000 ius of Aquasol A, 50,000 ius of drisdol, b12 shots, high doses of b vitamins in general, and 300 mgs of zantac twice a day.

    My dh helped me and supported me every step of the way throughout my recovery. That was about a year. I didn't feel better in 3 days. lol. I wish I had. The least I can do is be pleasant and love and accept him just the way he is. I don't need him to change for me.


  8. I get nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, and sweating when I exercise. I have ischemia. I failed my stress test last summer. Funny, my cholesterol is 151. My cardiologist feels I have small artery disease. He wanted to take me to the cath lab, but I said NO!, so I am supposed to test again in 6 mos.

    I also have a leaky aortic valve.


  9. Gluten reactions can also raise your blood sugar and it can have autoimmune impact on the pancreas just like it can impact almost any other organ we have. There are also a lot of celiacs who are diabetic or prediabetic. You probably have already had him evaluated for celiac but just in case you haven't I thought I should mention the need for him to be tested or to do diet trial.

    Hi Raven....My husband absolutely does not have celiac. He is a type 2 diabetic who cheats his diet. He just plain eats too much! He's too chubby right now. When he's thinner his blood sugar is way better. He has high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I, on the other hand have low cholesterol. 96 total at celiac diagnosis and 20 yrs later 150.

    Not every case of diarrhea is celiac.

    As far as diabetes goes, I have a strong family history of it. Mom, dad, grandfather, and brother all diabetics. Mom was a severe type 1 diabetic. She died from all the complications a diabetic can have. The rest were type 2s. My brother is the only one still living.

    Type 2 has no connection to celiac.


  10. Hey Joe.....This is the last time i'm going to try this!

    What is your blood sugar? My dh lost a tremendous amount of muscle mass before his diabetes was diagnosed! His wrists even got small. He went from 250 down to 180 in about 3 mos. He was severely dehydrated and hungry and thirsty. He did a lot of sleeping, he acted drunk, he couldn't think anymore! His blood sugar was over 400. The dr didn't catch it. I did. I made him get a blood test at work.

    He does get diarrhea with high blood sugar. You sound more diabetic than celiac, however, I'm sure it's possible to have both.

    Good luck to you.


  11. I don't know about the sugar causing diarrhea, but I do know that I have to limit even the gluten free baked items, no matter which flour I use. I feel glutened even though I know the item is gluten free if I over indulge. My symptoms will last a few days or more, just like a cross contamination.

    My itching did not go away until I changed all my personal care products to gluten free.

    High blood sugar definately does cause diarrhea. Dh had the big D all day last friday, I finally convinced him to check his sugar and it was 279. He can also get D when his sugar comes down fast.

    My mom was a type 1 diabetic. She had what the drs called diabetic diarrhea. Actually it was diabetic digestive neuropathy.


  12. I just called the nurse back and got more specific information about the test results:

    IgG level was .9

    IgA level was .8

    TTGIga level was .7

    IgA IFA was negative

    Total IgA was 240 milligrams per decoliter (normal is 44-441)

    The alleal HLA DQA1*0501 was decteded and the relative risk was rated at extremely low.

    It takes DQA1*0501 and DQB1*0201 to make DQ2. You have one half of that.


  13. Hi Joe.....When is the last time you had your blood sugar checked? You list a lot of symptoms of diabetes. Especially the itchy skin and sores.

    However, I can't eat a lot of baked goods. I don't know what it is but they do disagree with me. You'd think I'd eaten gluten or something. lol. I need to eat pure fresh foods to feel my best.

    I'm a 20 yr. vetern to celiac disease. When I was diagnosed my GI told me I was only the fourth real and true celiac he had ever encountered in his career. And then he said and one died. Because of that statement, I have always been careful about my diet. I don't ever want to get that sick and run down again!


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