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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by EmilyT

  1. Thank you very much for your reply, that's very kind of you. I forgot to mention that my mum's cancer was breast cancer so nothing related to lymphoma & no other family history except my Dad's type 1 diabetes (he's also being tested now for coealic in case). My blood test results say IgA 19U/mL and the only other numbers I can see are 0.00...
  2. Would like to add that I have also experienced (inconsistent) low iron & folic acid over the past 10 years or so. I have 6 monthly blood tests to check they haven't dropped. Weirdly they aren't always low & I only take moderate over the counter supplements, unless they are very low. But if coeliac is confirmed via biopsy I'm not convinced that...
  3. Hi everyone, I'm a 29 year old woman from the UK who has recently tested positive for coeliac antibodies on a blood test. I'm awaiting a biopsy & I'm really struggling with worrying about the related diseases caused by coeliac. Hoping to have a bit of a ramble & see if anyone can offer a different perspective please. I've...
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