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Nicole Maree

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Nicole Maree

  1. So need some guidance here was diagnosed now 4 months ago and have been going gluten-free. But I must admit haven’t been strict with the dairy. On some days I’m great and then days like today I’m on the toilet four times and severe nausea - it seems I’m getting worse before better the more gluten-free I become. I have anxiety around the toilet issue a...
  2. Thanks for this I seriously thought I was loosing my mind. The anxiety creeps up more because of the pain, I was doing so great for 3 weeks prior to this. I really have to up my knowledge on what I can and can't eat, because the last few days have been an absolute write of. I've found in reallyhard here in Australia to find a good Nutritionist Dr to advice...
  3. Ive been recently diagnosed with blood tests as celiac disease and awaiting a biopsy and colonoscopy. I am experiencing high anxiety and brain fog this week, nausea and fatigue. I've consumed something with gluten during the week- its now Sunday and the nausea is still present and the fatigue (anxiety not to bad today). I consumed steak on the Wednesday...
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