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  1. My bad, NCGS was more what I meant, not gluten intolerance. Anyways, is it worth the blood test if the endo was negative? My understanding is that it's more unreliable than an Endoscopy. Suggestions?
  2. I understand gluten must be consumed before a blood test, I was debating the taking of one since Endo was negative. I threw out the diarrhea reference since it's common in other GI issues with overlapping symptoms. Yes, I believe they took 4 biopsies. Celiac and H Pylori were ruled out at that time. Most of my symptoms are not GI related, which is making...
  3. Back story: Started having constant LLQ pains 3 years ago. ( no blood, no diarrhea, not affected by food or bm's) Have had X rays, CTs, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy. No sign of Celiac, a few non-cancerous polyps found and cut out. Fast forward to today: LLQ pain still there, but now tension headaches and very stiff back are increasing, along with random muscle...
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