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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Vozzyv

  1. I understand gluten must be consumed before a blood test, I was debating the taking of one since Endo was negative. I threw out the diarrhea reference since it's common in other GI issues with overlapping symptoms. Yes, I believe they took 4 biopsies. Celiac and H Pylori were ruled out at that time. Most of my symptoms are not GI related, which is making me lean towards Celiac/Gluten intolerance. 

  2. Back story: Started having constant LLQ pains 3 years ago. ( no blood, no diarrhea, not affected by food or bm's) Have had X rays, CTs, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy. No sign of Celiac, a few non-cancerous polyps found and cut out. Fast forward to today: LLQ pain still there, but now tension headaches and very stiff back are increasing, along with random muscle twitching, random foot cramps, etc. I have not gone gluten-free until recently, as the endo was negative, and I never seemed be affected by food. I'm on my 2nd GI doctor, she suggested stool tests, another Colonoscopy, and Celiac blood test. With the lack of diarrhea and negative results on last Colonoscopy/Endo, it seems like she's guessing. Should I do any of these, or just wait it out going gluten-free? 

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