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newtoceliac2024's Achievements

  1. Going on a babymoon and made sure to have our own kitchenette due to the new gluten free diet. Any recommendations on things to say when I do end up going out to dine with the staff ? I have been too nervous /scared to eat out since going gluten free. Where we are going I can opt for a lot of grilled fish and fish tacos on corn tortillas but I know that...
  2. I had actually limited dairy pre pregnancy for cholesterols reasons but was told during pregnancy to not limit for the fats and calcium needed for baby and the cheese cravings have been unreal lol especially cheddar! Usually my main dairy is cheddar cheese and Greek yogurt as snacks. As a midwife any other recommendations you give your patients with celiac...
  3. Really trying to eat fresh and not so much processed but of course I do have processed items especially snacks for the long work days - I feel very limited and restricted figuring this out along with my pregnancy restrictions already and taking items out seems hard especially while pregnant because I need enough calories and food options. I am still taking...
  4. Sorry new to this and unclear how to directly reply to a reply..I am currently taking a prenatal ( nature made which is gluten free) which my OB says should be sufficient and had me stop Magnesium I was taking for migraines since it can be a laxative. Dairy is one thing hard for me to remove as I am currently craving it and have really been eating hard cheese...
  5. Recently diagnosed celiac at 12/13 pregnant, now 16 weeks. Diagnosed hypothyroid March found out pregnant April . Was on low dose levothyroxine daily eating anything /everything gluten with no symptoms ( toast was my best friend with my severe nausea) TSH not ideal for pregnancy and Levo upped at 7 weeks leading to changes in BMs with 4 weeks of D finally...
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