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  1. @trents Hi, sorry if my post was unclear. Prior to starting the gluten free diet I was eating couscous. I have now cut this out along with everything else that contains gluten to much improvement (barring today) . Stupidly, I now realise that if it is celiac eating any amount of gluten would cause a flare and it’s not a case of in 6 weeks you s...
  2. @Scott Adams It’s just so confusing that one thing like celiac can overlap in symptoms with so many other diseases! Yeah, I think I expected if it was celiac then it would be a magical never having an issue again kind of reaction to the diet. Which in fairness I did for 8 weeks. But food labels are ridiculous, and even emailing companies I get r...
  3. Hello all! I have found this website as I await celiac testing later in the year. I do currently have bile acid diarrhoea, and a recent MRI showed my ileum is inflamed but that’s all I have so far. I met with a dietician as I had lost 30kg of my weight in a short period of time. I had cut out all fodmaps (except gluten) and my diet consisted o...
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