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  1. Does anyone else have major nausea during your period?

    I made the mistake of eating something... :huh:

    back to the floor


    And since we're on the subject of being glutened while on your period, I have a question. Does anyone NOT get their period until they are 100% 24/7 gluten free? I was always on the Pill, got my period like clockwork. I went off the pill and now I don't ever get my period. Again, it's been 62 days since my last period. Is this common? (Side note: I am not pregnant; I got tested at the Dr.)

  2. WOW, thanks for the quick response mango, that was a thrill. How do you feel about carmel color?

    thanks again - GiA and Happy Day - OregonGF

    I have a problem with Carmel Color! I really react to it. For instance, I cannot have dark soda, ect. What foods with Carmel color do you have problems with and what happens to you?

  3. Jody,

    Good for you for going back to it! I've struggled for so long, & finally met my goal & got Lifetime, but

    then I went on a "gluten challenge" for about 6 weeks in order to have blood tests & biopsy done for Celiac, & I've "enjoyed" eating gluten-filled things too much! I've gained back over 10 pounds in 2 months, so now I've got to get myself under control again. I do go to weekly meetings, & love my leader, who is very motivational & always checks in about the "gluten thing".

    Good luck. Keep in touch & let me know how you're doing...I'll do the same!


    I do weight watchers, while maintaining a Gluten free diet. It's not very hard, actually, if you just stick to the all-natural things...chicken, veggies, fruit, nuts, ect. I really like it! good luck!

  4. Hello. I have been eating gluten free for almost 4 months. Some days it is really easy, like the days I don't leave my house. Then I go somewhere and remember how much work this is! I have been struggling with this diet for awhile and don't feel better. I was first diagnosed with IBS and have been on drugs for that for over 3 years. When I was calling in sick to work all year because I was stuck in the bathroom, the doctors (plural!) decided to do a blood test and found out I had almost no iron left in my blood. After iron injections for 4 months, they decided to do the scope and diagnosed Celiac's. SOOOO, the joy of gluten free. I think I am getting the hang of finding food I can eat, just not food I really want to eat. After 4 months of this, I still have some questions that I was hoping someone could help me with...Maybe someday I will know all the answers! :)

    I have been getting yeast infections on my tongue that come back about every month. I was on antibiotics for over 3 months because they thought I had a very persistant sinus infection. (Although now we think it was probably just head pain related to the gluten.) So I think that is where it started. Now I get them whenever I have antibiotics, which is sadly often. Could the tongue infections be a vitamin defficiency or something like it? I heard that maybe B12 would help, but that there are several kinds I have to pick from. Any ideas?

    Also, shampoo? Does shampoo and things like lotion really make a difference if I'm not ingesting them? I wondered if little things like that could be the reason I'm not feeling better. The doctors just put me on new meds for the IBS, but I still think it is all because of the Celiac so I hate to take more meds.

    So many questions, so little time!!

    Thanks for the help!


    I just have a question for you because I've had a lot of problems with my tongue, too. What does yours feel like? Does it look odd? I have had this mouth problem for so long and the only way it goes away is with the strictest diet ever. I would love to see if your mouth is like mine so we could figure out what is the cause!!!

  5. It sounds like you need to find a new Dr.

    I would check the chips and yogurt to see if they are gluten-free. Here in the states there are some kinds of flavored yogurts that are not gluten-free. I don't eat chips but the are some mainstream brands that folks here have problems with due to cross-contamination in the manufacturing plants I believe.

    It's interesting, too, because I will a lot of times have problems with "artificial" wheat & gluten free products. For whatever reason, anything that isn't "natural" doesn't agree with me. Also, the egg and fried rice might not be good? I'm having severe eye twitching today. But, I also had a ton of gluten foods the past couple of days. I will pay for it.

  6. I think this is a good place to discuss what you eat in a day? I know for me, I always say I'm "gluten/wheat free," but then I'll have a reaction of some sort and I'll wonder why. I'll tell someone what I ate and they will say, "Well that's because XX has gluten in it." I had no idea. What is a typical day of food like for everyone?

  7. About the same time i was dx with celiac disease...i started feeling this funny 'lump' underneathe my jaw on my right side.

    after about 2 years to the ENT dr, and the dx of dry salivary gland, it seems to begetting worse. So i was for a CT scan to rule out a stone.

    And I got the all clear, nothing is there.

    So my question is, could it be only dehydration? I noticed when i was eating sour candy i had much relief. Also when he was checking for the saliva secretion under my tongue, there wasnt much.

    so my next phone call to the dr, i kinda want to have an idea what to ask him what my next steps are...

    any advice or comments would be greatly appreicated.

    Thanks :)

    I have a question, then, for you. Does your mouth/tongue annoy you? That is my BIGGEST problem! I always think I feel little lumps underneath my jaw.

  8. I'm going to be drinking alcohol this weekend. For some reason, other than beer, alcohol will not ever seem to sit "right" with me. Can anyone give me ideas of what you drink when out and about? I thought vodka/diets were ok? Any ideas?


  9. I'm really struggling to find things to eat. My blood work tested negative for Celiac, but my allergist and dietician want me on a gluten free diet due to my symptoms. The problems is I am also allergic to many, many foods. Yeast, apples, melon, tomatos, rice, potatos, tuna, strawberries, nuts, and more. I'm really struggling with finding foods to eat. I visit my allergist again in a few weeks, but I'd love any advice any of you have to offer. I'm basicly sticking with meat, veggies, some cheese, and popcorn for snacks.

    Any thoughts?


    Question: How did you know you were allergic to those foods? I always think I'm being gluten-free, but then I start having reactions, which leads me to believe that it's "gluten and beyond." How can you tell what other foods it is? I have delayed reactions so I don't know?

  10. I have yet to be diagnosed, but I started showing major symptoms 3 years ago as well, directly following a gall bladder surgery. The Doc told me it was common to have diarrhea for a few months following the surgery....well, it's never stopped and a host of other symptoms started erupting quickly following. Out of curiosity...what did the dentist tell you? I've been having dental problems as well the last several months...My teeth where always my best attribute.

    I went to the dentist for a normal checkup. I brought it to their attention that I have had mouth pain since I had my tonsils out. Like my mouth gets dry/irritated/pain from my teeth to the sides of my tongue/trouble talking,ect. After yet ANOTHER extremely thorough examination of mouth (and them must thinking I'm crazy) they asked if I had food allergies? In addition, I had 2 more cavities that visit. This time, I even had a cavity in between my front teeth (odd!) After that visit, I went and got the scratch test for allergies at the allergist. Out of 60 foods,ect...NOTHING. The allergist suggested eliminating wheat/gluten and b/c of my history w/ stomach problems that perhaps I have Celiac. When I have no wheat/gluten/contamination/ect. I'm good. My mouth is fine. My stomach is fine. My teeth are fine. But if I accidently have anything, I will be in pain. Last weekend I had 100% Whey Protein Pro Performance from GNC...I immediately went to the bathroom and the next day my teeth were so sensitive and my mouth hurt. I found out later that protein powder is NOT gluten-free! Does this sound like anything you have? What dental problems do you have?

    I believe I have Celiac, BUT have been told to get a blood test for it, you must be consistently eating wheat/gluten for 3 months prior to testing to have it be accurate. I just can't even fathom the thought of 3 months (and then time to recoop on top of that) of being in so much pain. So I don't know if I'll ever be 100% sure.

  11. I read somewhere that celiac disease can suddenly show up if you experiance lots of stress or have something traumatic happen in your life. Has anyone else heard this? Is it true? Can it lay dormant and then just show up?

    I think this is exactly what happened to me. I always had stomach problems; nothing major, though. Then, in one year, I had tonsillitis 4 times. I had my tonsils/adenoids removed. Right after my surgery, I started having major issues with my stomach/bm's/mouth/teeth. This was 3 years ago. A few months ago was the first time someone brought it to my attention; when I was at the Dentist. Anyone else with a similar story?

  12. Hello. I am on my fourth week of the gluten-free diet and learning a lot from the forum, so thank you! My doctors think I may have a gluten sensitivity, but the blood test revealed that I fortunately do not have celiac. I don't know what "good" feels like, so I can't determine whether I have been glutened. I am having a hard time learning whether certain ingredients like modified food starch has gluten. I have e-mailed some companies to inquire, but Dannon notes that they can't guarantee it. Has anyone had any experience with Dannon Light n Fit and learned whether it is safe? Thank you!

    Hello, I'm pretty new to this whole thing, too. I'm not sure the answer to that, but if anyone else out there would like to help us with different addiitives and what's ok and what not, that would be great. I've been feeling so much better, but I've also cut almost everything out of my diet. I'm down to the most raw diet. Plain veggies, chicken, fish and sometimes (occassionally) fruit. That is what I live off of. I made a Protein pancake the other day with Quinoa,100% Pro Performance Whey (from GNC) and egg white replacement and I had a bad reaction. I didn't know that any of that stuff would bother me because I thought it was gluten free, but apparently not? Is there some ingredient in any of that that anyone knows of that is a "non-no?" It's so frustrating!

  13. I've spent days trying to figure out why my mouth sores, IBS symptoms, ADD, headaches, and fibromyalgia symptoms have all returned. It was downright frustrating and depressing, to say the least. This AM I was going over everything I had been eating and applying to my body (cosmetics, soaps, etc.) and I was not coming up with any good "leads" until my husband looked at the Puffins cereal I had been eating and said that it wasn't gluten free. Aha! I was so mad at myself because I knew at one point that this cereal wasn't safe but had forgotten. Sometimes it's so hard to keep track of safe and unsafe products, and I've never been a person who is terribly brand conscious. I often forget which companies make which products, if that makes sense. Anyhow, I had been eating the Puffins peanut butter flavored cereal, and it is 'wheat free,' NOT gluten free (it has oats in it). I don't know if the other Puffins flavors are gluten free or not, but the peanut butter flavored cereal is definitely a 'no-no.'

    That same exact thing happened to me. The honey rice is the ONLY one you can have, but it's very, very good! What other cereal do you eat? If it's peanut butter you like, try the Peanut butter panda cereal.

  14. i get that too...sometimes the top of my mouth feels raw. then it disappears for a short time, and comes back...i wonder if it is a food allergy??

    The mouth thing is the worst for me. Looking back, when I was little, I had that angular chelitis. The Dr.'s always told my parent's I had "hand, foot and mouth," but then I never had anything wrong with my hands or feet...only my mouth. I've sometimes gotten canker sores. What it is with me now, though, is something that is not even visible to the eye. It was a dentist who even brought it to my attention that I may be allergic to wheat/gluten and/or something else because they said that there is absolutely nothing in my mouth; no sores, nothing. It's the most chronically annoying thing. It all started right after I had my tonsils out. This will be year #3. They say that a major surgey can "initiate" celiac symptoms. I wonder if that was it. Anyone else have raw/dry/chronically annoying mouth/tongue problems?

  15. So I got a box of See's Candy from my daughter, for my birthday. I've been eating them with reckless abandon....and today I noticed I wasn't feeling all that great, especially this morning.

    My symptoms were remarkably like they are when I eat gluten....fatigue,lethargy,depression,gastro,aches,pains etc...

    This leads me to wonder if See's contain gluten?? I'm at work, so I can't look on the box. What little info I find on the Internet is conflicting. Anyone know?

    I'm not sure about this, but one thing to watch out for is different names for ingredients. For example, if there is Caramel Coloring in it...that's not good for gluten-free diets. There is a whole list of "no-no's" that you wouldn't even imagine. I had a diet soda the other day and my throat got clammy and my symptoms in my mouth flaired up...then I read the can. That was in it.

  16. My tongue is sore most of the time and my taste buds seem to flair up most of the time. I also have dry mouth. I have no clue as to what causes any of it . I figure just another fun day. :unsure:


    Can someone please tell me if I'm crazy? The sides of my tongue always hurt. Dry mouth. Sometimes my tongue tingles and pulses. I get this referred pain from my teeth to tongue. If I go gluten-free for 2 weeks, then and only then it might go away. Is anyone else like this? I'm trying to connect if my mouth is correlated to gluten? HELP!

  17. My tongue is sore most of the time and my taste buds seem to flair up most of the time. I also have dry mouth. I have no clue as to what causes any of it . I figure just another fun day. :unsure:


    Can someone please tell me if I'm crazy? The sides of my tongue always hurt. Dry mouth. Sometimes my tongue tingles and pulses. I get this referred pain from my teeth to tongue. If I go gluten-free for 2 weeks, then and only then it might go away. Is anyone else like this? I'm trying to connect if my mouth is correlated to gluten? HELP!

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