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Vincent pemberton

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  1. Things can’t ever be easy can they, lol, sounds about right. I am going to get a genetic test done when I can. I don’t know much about my mom but I know she’s had a lot of health issues, I would ask her but I don’t know how to contact her or if she is even in the right state of mind. I am praying that even now that I am permanently gluten free they can sti...
  2. Some of my blood work is back, my IGA was still deficient, and the rest of the celiac panel came back as being negative.
  3. After reading your post, I messaged my doctor and they sent me in to do blood work, I asked for an entire vitamin screen along with it. I did buy some B1 and it helped tremendously, I did give blood before taking the vitamin to ensure accurate results. My doctor isn’t worried about me doing the gluten challenge, so I’m praying the celiac panel test shows som...
  4. Thank you for the response, I talked to my doctor and they are doing a blood test since my last test I was gluten free for. We are only doing a celiac panel. I do take vitamins for b12, D and C. I have never been tested for thiamine deficiency. I’ll mention it to my primary and see what they want to do. Today I’m not as bad, I’m still in a lot of pain in my...
  5. I’m giving up, I don’t care about the positive test result anymore I feel like I’ve been hit by a train, If I had to describe dying this is how I would describe it, I can touch anything or be touched without being in extreme pain. I am so swollen, my extremely loose watch that I could fit two fingers in between this morning was now cutting off circulation. If I...
  6. It is just weird I never had a rash till now, my symptoms have gotten so much worse. I am deficient on a lot of vitamins and take a crap ton, b12, D, C, and a multivitamin. If the rash goes away can they still test for Dermatitis herpetiformis, where I’m at it takes at least two weeks to get in for a referral to specialist.
  7. I’ve been on gluten for two weeks and have 4 more to go. I have only had small amounts, my GI said to ease myself into if I did decide to go back into gluten and I have started with small amounts like one slice of bread in size. Honestly I’m about to give up on gluten, I want a test result to be accurate because I want to know 100% if it is or not I know the...
  8. As an almost 2 week update for being back on gluten… it’s a living hell, to say the least, I’ve been so sick the last three days for some hours late in the day I couldn’t physically walk, my wife has had to help me get up and pretty much drag me to the bathroom and to bed. To add onto everything I woke up with a rash covering my entire left arm. Ever since g...
  9. Update, I saw my GI she set me up for a biopsy, she said I didn’t have to eat gluten, but it would give better test results. Should I eat gluten or avoid it, my biopsy is a six weeks away roughly.
  10. I am now starting to feel better, just dealing with gas. I drank some apple cider vinegar and that helped, along with gas relief meds. I’ve cut back on milk, and soda, is there anything else I need to be weary of.
  11. I’ve had most of my symptoms go away and I’ve avoided a gluten as far as I know but it’s been four days since I’ve last had gluten. I’ve been struggling with gas and abdominal pain and occasionally light headed and nausea. It’s gotten better and sometimes I feel fine but now it’s back like a wave all at once. On top of all this when I was eating gluten regula...
  12. I’ve struggled with sickness my whole life, 24, male. doctors never really cared to do any extra testing till I met my current doctor, all other doctors told me growing up, would just treat symptoms of how I felt from b12 deficiency and nausea meds and told me to drink plenty of water.(I’ve had a lot more symptoms that just this) I’ve suffered every time ...
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